Hi-Liter Raid

Hi-Liter "Raid" = New Restrictive Rules

There have been many reports, rumors, etc. of the "raid" a week or so ago first posted by a dancer on another board.

I have always been concerned about activities that went too far bringing in more enforcement of the 1999 strip club law which bans any contact with bad body parts. When first enforced dancers had to sit with their legs over the chair arms and could not be in a customer's lap. Technically a close full body hug with both fully clothed would violate the licensing ordinance.

On 10/27 I made a "research trip" to see if I could get some dancer to talk! Many don't want the bad publicity to get out since it may be bad for business.

I talked to 5 dancers, the guy with the clipboard and then went to the sister club Bandaids and talked to dancers and the doorman.

I got various "stories" and have tried to separate the facts as best I could vs. the rumors.

One unconfirmed rumor from a dancer that was not working that night said she heard that some dancers were ticketed based on illegal contact on floor dances. One dancer that was there says they were detained for over 2 hours during the "raid."

What is pretty much agreed upon by those there that night and other dancers that heard from others is:

1) The "raid" was by the liquor commission, not LE. This seems odd to me, but that is what all the dancers said.

2) Dancers had their licenses checked and were "lectured" on such dangerous acts against the morality of society such as touching breasts, genitals, and no grinding. Further, of course, nothing sexual could be in the VIPs (assume similar restrictions)

TI recall the 1999 ordinance was passed to "protect children and neighborhoods." Somehow breast massage that I get such great response from most dancers (especially pecs) is dangerous to society.

Getting lap dancers on the floor from five dancers at Hi-Liter in all cases except 1 did not allow frontal contact above the waist.

Background of the law that has not been enforced for many years but now seems moving in this direction:

I spoke against the new laws at the packed city council meeting and in public hearings of late 1999. Both the strip club ordinance and the law banning swing clubs was passed that was written by the Christian group even though the citizens speaking at the hearings were overwhelmingly against it other than a few "Church Ladies" and of course the Christian group leader. Late night at packed city council chambers after the public comment was over both new ordinance were approved unanimously by the City Council with emergency urgency so would be effective immediately instead of the usual 90? day period to be effective. The reason was the silliness of "to protect neighborhoods and xxxxxxxx.

I represented Stevi Secrets Club - before sold and now T&A - at the strip club owners association led by Damien, owner of Alaskan Bush at the peak of the outrage of club owners. I knew some of the other owners including one that had to shut down for as I recall a week or two to avoid hefty fines.

I was also on the Club C. legal committee which challenged the law outlawing swing clubs but we but lost at the 9th Circuit, and the Club was forced to close, or owners would be arrested.

Widely reported in the media LE detectives would spend long hours at clubs looking for the slightest touch of bad body parts. A TV crew went to Club C and panned the industrial area it was in asking "where are the xxxxxxx and neighborhoods."

Review of Hi-Liter experience
I was at the club between about 5:30-6:30 PM. I have been here at this time many times, and it is usually quite busy. I was amazed how few customers were in the club. There was an overwhelming number of dancers many just sitting together on the back wall chairs (for the higher cost dances) with as few customers as I have ever seen the club.

Since I have no interest in the stage dancing or drinking but having lap dances (never been in the VIP in 20 years of going to Hi-Liter) often I am bored when not approached for dances. It was the opposite tonight - too many dancers approaching. As usual rejected those with big breasts or larger bodies but most dancers here are my type of more slender etc.

With the restrictions, I only did one dance with 4 and two with the 5th. With most of them, I had splendid communications talking about issues before dances. All were very nice, but I don't like the new restrictions for what I enjoy the most (and especially in Toronto/Mississauga area clubs I enjoy so much).

Ada nice face, taller nice. Angela very nice has worked here for six years, a bit older and mature which I like. Although not particularly my body type did dances with two Cuban's Hila and Jenny (nice smile friendly face), but both were rather non-connection in the way I like. Ironically my best experience was later at Bandaids with a slender Cuban. Communications hard since I have difficulty understanding their English. Finished off with Jean but no connection.

Since I have such a poor memory I have a little black book, I quickly write down names and some notes which I later record for future reference. At one point I had so many dancers coming to me since so few customers, I had to "escape" as I don't want to be too obviously in my note taking. I went to the back standing, and the notebook guy asked if I needed more light to take my notes!

As always mostly attractive nice dancers but not for what I enjoy which is respectful caring touch, massage pecs, back and a real intimacy connection for the moment that I have enjoyed from many dancers over the last few decades - more so in Canada without the restrictions but still non-sexual.

Update - A dancer on another board says:
Yes I am a dancer there and was warned before the raid happened that things are going to be shifting towards the cleaner side, in part because of all of the graphic anecdotes shared here on this site.

Bandaids 10/27/2016 Thurs about 7pm-8pm
I was curious to see if the new restrictions were enforced at this sister club.

Usually, the door guy scans drivers license for all. But this time when I offered said that's OK, Old Dave is obviously over 21!

As others have noted the body types in general at Bandaids are less my preferred type vs the more slender gals at Hi-Liter. Just like Hi-Liter the fewest customers, I think I have ever seen - have no idea why. At one point I counted only six guys in the stage dance section but lots of dancers.

The best dance was the first with Cuban Lucy. Not much talk since so hard to understand her English. However, great "connection" in dances - my type of intimacy and connection for the moment (not sexual!) especially after doing my magic Very much my body type and a 4+ on my intimacy scale (0-5 with 5 very rare).

I "no thanked" at least four dancers who seemed nice but just too large or breasts too big for my tastes.

Did get dances with dancers from LA and Vegas (who was just bouncy wild type but had nice discussion before dance). All were nice but no real connection like I had with Lucy.

Some of the dancers had heard of the Hi-Liter raid but did not involve Bandaids and no warning given them about restrictions like at Hi-Liter.
Wow that really sucks! The whole reason I liked HL was because the rules were so loose about touching and the dancing. That's a damn shame.
Alluring_Amber's Avatar
Dang! I've been out of the dancing scene for a while due to a sprained ankle. Seems as though I was lucky & missed the raid.

That is a BIG bummer cause my new fav girl was dancing there
Getting lots more info on Hi-Liter. A person from today (Fri afternoon) says the club looks like a bomb went off inside so few customers and very upset dancers mostly looking for other clubs to move to. Some of the regular dancers were suspended or terminated or left on their own. VIP dance are no more than the very restrictive dances on the floor. Management wagged finger at dancer seen doing a "stripper slide" One report is that the liquor board has put one person in there every day at random times to look for violations.
Yeah, so now where do we even go? What's a good club? I like Christies but everyone there seems so stuck up.
Any further info? Has the heat died down?
Here is long report I had posted on other boards from Tue night - summary not quite as bad as first few weeks but depends on dancer but yes far more restrictive than old days since license up for renewal late January and city has objected to some of the owners like the fight they had over Baidaids and license could only be in name of father (John).

Gang of 3 almost 4 with gal goes to Hi-Liter

Great time Tuesday night with Higgs and BigTim/Tommy. We were supposed to be joined by a well-known escort that has gone wild with the dancers on another visit, but she had babysitter problems.

I was reluctant to go on Tues since I follow the election very closely on TV but kept up with the bad news on my phone. Very few customers but I quickly spot BigTim with a slender, attractive dancer in his arms.

I always admire BigTim for his social skills at getting real for the moment interactions with dancers. We are kind of the opposite personality types outgoing, joke telling vs. me boring old Dave more into analytical fact stuff - my CPA background showing - but found for the right dancer my hands to much of the talking and the good responses to my touch. With these differences, we really get along great and compliment each other. Higgs, of course, is more like my quiet self but always winds up with great real interactions. I've known Higgs for many years as we strip club together.

We all had our laps full, especially since so many dancers vs. customers. We all turned down a few but also found some gems. For the most part, the new restrictive rules were evident, although not quite to the extreme right after the raid.

Missy had a great body as did gal from Ukraine, although not as much of my desired intimacy connection, although good pre-dance conversation. I don't think any dancer just did the "wanna dance" but at least for me, all asked if they could join me and if yes, sat nicely in lap/arms and had a conversation not just rushing into a dance. I believe it was mostly the same for Higgs and BigTim. I was too busy to watch them all the time!

I didn't record in my little black book names of a few other dancers, and I forget them when I get home!

The biggest winner of the night at least for myself and I believe BigTim was Brittany. Age 23 slender, maybe too much so for Higgs, but for me very nice and my preferred smaller breasts even if can't fully enjoy them with the new restrictions. She was cuddled in our arms, very responsive close to a five on my 0-5 intimacy scale with five being rare. I know BigTim really liked her but will let him say more if he chooses. The most descriptive word as BigTim mentioned to me is "sweet."

Mandy nice discussion and my type of great slender but not skinny body. Not quite the intimacy connection maybe a four but very nice and talked a lot to me after the two dances I had. Very nice personality which I enjoy not just body and intimacy.

Dynamite was an interesting story with her name very appropriate. At first thought, she was over aggressive, perhaps pushy and thought she would drag us to the VIP (I have never been in the VIP over the decades). My ideal body type, although just a tad almost skinny. However, once she talked about being seductive about blowing up, and she would be dynamite, joined with Higgs in a good political discussion. While talking also did some nice hand holding.

Since I had my phone out monitoring the election result this often came out in conversation, and all of the dancers that brought it up were very against Trump, as we all were. Dynamite insisted he would destroy America ( I would not go quite that far). My negative reaction changed after seeing her dance with Higgs and BigTim with more my type of dance. When she offered to go to VIP with both she both times said they were worried about my being left alone. Of course, I had no objection. What was odd, however, is she never came back for a dance from me even after having lots of good interaction with her.

The oddest situation where I looked over to Higgs almost wanting to say "HELP" I need help to get rid of her. Body nice not quite slender for my ideal. Forgot name since just wanted her to leave but didn't quite know how to nicely dismiss her so engaged more than I should have for her mostly nonsensical rants.

I believe I had initially said I was about to leave but ok to sit. From my phone saw I had a few panicked clients leaving me voice mails and e-mails based on election results. Dow futures were down 800 points and foreign markets were plunging. I never did any dance or any wiggle, she just sat in my lap. I made some comment about the lack of customers which I understood was a problem after the raid! WRONG thing to mention! As I recall, she asked what I heard. I told her the reports from dancers; a lot left, and I had always been concerned that guys would go too far and spoil a good thing. She insisted very strongly that all the dancers were just making this up. The "event" was only due to someone under age. I mentioned they might have been concerned since the club was fined $8000 in May for touch etc. violations. She said it never happened. I mention it is in the public record you can see for yourself. Want followed in my view was about how this is all made up, doesn't care about the club losing its liquor license since she has worked at lots of clubs since 1996 and took a few years off.

BTW, I do not recall ever hearing about under aged at clubs, and I checked the Liquor Board record for more than the last year. Many clubs do ID checks, and of course, the dancers all have to be licensed. I also knew/know some of the club owners and never heard of any underage issue, although could have happened but that was not the issue in the latest raid per many dancers.

She said something about she hasn't watched TV in 10 years and doesn't want that kind of information intruding on her as if it was my fault for bringing up the facts in a nice discussion. It is very similar to the fantasy land where facts have no importance vs. whatever you want to make up to get the crowd cheering and winning an election. At this point, I was trying to end the conversation which was very hard to do. I think I said I needed to leave and she went into a huge "sales pitch" on how wonderful she could be with me if I would go with her to the VIP. No, in fact, I have never been to the VIP in over a decade coming her, just not my thing. Well, I should have the new experience with her. I'm thinking is there any way I can signal Higgs to interrupt us some way but no clue how. BigTim I believe was off in you know where fully enjoying Brittany. We usually are helpful getting dances for each other not a secret clue to bail us out. When I finally thought I had ended the discussion, she wanted me to pay for all the time spent with her! Thankfully she finally left with my wallet and virginity intact

The next dancer I believe was Mandy mentioned above. Believe it or not somehow the raid came up. She confirmed everything I had reported by other dancers about the raid and that basically no breast contact was strictly enforced as a result. We proceeded to a nice dance including above the waist, but I didn't try any breast massage that so many dancers enjoy and I enjoy doing.

Other than my wondering where Dynamite went since I would have explored a dance with her I was pretty much danced out and needed to get back to the election, listen to the pundits on three networks I had TIVO'd and prepare what I would write about it or discuss with panicked clients.

But I wanted to say proper goodbyes to BigTim and Higgs who kept having gals in their laps. Finally, after BigTim finished and Higgs just started with a nice black gal (who I earlier rejected but complimented her on her great smile), I said my goodbyes to both after an enjoyable evening (except for the election).

As usual I think BigTim for the diet coke, although the hostess mixed up the drinks and my first sip was NOT diet coke and hostess switched.

The 3 of us had planned to check out Cheetahs (soon to be Scores) and not sure if Higgs and BigTim made it there after I left.