Tom Waits Entering the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

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Next week is the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction, and one of the inductees this year is Tom Waits. I'm obviously an admirer of his work, so I'm very pleased that he's being recognized. His songwriting skills, distinctive voice and delivery make him a unique talent.

Who else could put this in a love ballad:

"I spent fifteen dollars for a prostitute
With too much makeup and a broken shoe.
But her eyes were just a counterfeit;
She tried to gyp me out of it,
And you know that I am still in love with you."

and deliver it so that it sounds like a real, if pathetic, expression of love?

Gotta love it!
They don't make music like that anymore. *sigh*
I LOVE Tom Waits. My younger daughter is named for one of his songs.
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BottomFeederKC's Avatar
This man is the rock and roll hall of fame.
Gryphon's Avatar
I LOVE Tom Waits. My younger daughter is named for one of his songs. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Really? Ol' 55 seems like an odd name for a child, but hey, what do I know?
Just teasing!