Awesome ... my main concern was if it'd be covered in snow because in some places a few inches will keep everyone inside but in some places they are used to it and prepared.
BUT since that seems to not be the case in TN my chances of coming to Memphis and maybe Nashville Jan/Feb is looking good. Given your intel February looks even more ideal. Indeed best way to battle cold weather is 2 friends (or more ... meow) sharing body heat
Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
Ok... sorry if I'm doing my usual practice of pissing in someone's Cheerios, but while a general lack of snow and ice is the upside of Memphis (I'm not that familiar with Nashvegas, but I'd wager the same observation applies), the downside is that we're definitely one of those areas that will shut down for the day if we get a few inches. (If we get freezing rain, it's even worse). Not much you can do but monitor the weather as your arrival approaches and make your decisions then.
Then again... Aren't you from the DC area? Where the whole damn central US Government shuts down if there's a heavy frost?

(Or so I remember from back when I was stationed at the Washington Navy Yard.)