http://shawstattoostudio.com/ Originally Posted by Topwat3rHate that place. Asked for 2 letters and they messed it all up. They also puts "." In between the letters which I did not request.
What if I have a picture from another person tattoo, can they copy that one or I can only use their patterns? Originally Posted by Espada6A true tattoo artist will never copy artwork directly unless you yourself designed it. They will sketch it out and change up a few things to make it more original but still keep the same concept. No, you don't have to pick a tattoo from their collection. They are there for ideas
Most of these guys are artists, copying someone else's work is not that popular. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
A true tattoo artist will never copy artwork directly unless you yourself designed it. They will sketch it out and change up a few things to make it more original but still keep the same concept. No, you don't have to pick a tattoo from their collection. They are there for ideas Originally Posted by Karlie RainesYou guys must be new to the industry. It's called Flash Art. You know all those designs on the wall when you walk in? Yea, those are examples of flash art. Artists swap among each other all the time.