Imposter using my handle???

sterling1's Avatar
This evening I had a provider pm me and ask if I had been calling her and talking to her and another ATX provider; He gave them my handle and said his name was something other than mine. He even went as far as setting an appointment with one of them and ncns the date. How should I approach this problem? Do I post an alert or what? I have never had this happen before and dont need any of the ladies here thinking I am a shithead..What makes it wierd is I am from Killeen and do most of my hobbying in ATX and this guy is also from Killeen; and used a Killeen number to call them. I dont know anyone from my area that is on the board and dont advertise to anyone I know that I am even on this board or any other for that matter. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Vyt
  • 03-09-2011, 12:47 AM
Generally providers are aware that this problem exists - it's happened to more than just you - and will ask you to contact them via something that marks you as you - PM through here, P411, whatever.

A PM saying it wasn't you should make things right with the provider in question.
sterling1's Avatar
Thanks for the quick reply. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that I know both of these ladies so one of them contacted me and now knows he isn't me . I wonder how many others he has done this to and now think im an asshole...I didn't know if I should've posted in the alert section.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
More of us know you're not an asshole, sterling, so I wouldn't sweat it.
+ 1 !
atxbrad's Avatar
. I wonder how many others he has done this to and now think im an asshole.... Originally Posted by sterling1
Yep, your an asshole.

So I guess now your gonna use this to deny setting up those dates with all of those TS's..........we are on to your game.