
How important is it that a provider demonstrate intelligence? The Geisha in Japan are required to know more than one language and be well spoken on any number of topics which I think is awesome. To me intelligence, creativity, and poise are what separates the true courtesans from standard sex workers. Having an intelligent conversation certainly builds nice chemistry. For me at least. I know many don't care, but am curious about folks' thoughts on this.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Question? Lol xxoo annie
Mysterydate023's Avatar
How important is it that a provider demonstrate intelligence? The Geisha in Japan are required to know more than one language and be well spoken on any number of topics which I think is awesome. To me intelligence, creativity, and poise are what separates the true courtesans from standard sex workers. Having an intelligent conversation certainly builds nice chemistry. For me at least. I know many don't care, but am curious about folks' thoughts on this. Originally Posted by OldGent
They don't necessarily need to be smart, but they do need to be able to converse about things other than the Kardasians or the Real Housewives of Who The He'll Cares.
All I'd ask is stay off the goddamn cell phone. I don't need to discuss high finance or English Lit. Hobby dates are all about primal connection. Let's keep it simple.
Go for it Annie
albundy's Avatar
Nice to have an intelligent conversation, but I like to be "silly" too. I can go either/or. I'm not looking for a steady girlfriend or a wife. So, intelligence is not a top requirement for me. BBJ is though. That's MANDATORY.

A smart woman or a dumb-as-shit chick. Either way, a good time can be had.

BUT, if I had the choice (and the means) I would MUCH rather a provider that I can see very regularly and build some kind of relationship (friendship) with. It does make things a lot more comfortable and enjoyable for the both of us. Unfortunately, financial limitations mean bargain-basement hookers for me and they are generally not the type of chicks that you hold meaningful conversations with. They can be good cum dumpsters though. So there's that.
I dont expect rocket science, but like Mysyerydate posted, conversation about more than pop culture garbage or the latest eccie drama would be nice. For those ladies that like to talk anyway. Conversation doesn't have to happen. Intelligent convo is just a chemistry starter for me. Joethick I agree about the cellphone that is a pet peeve of mine too. There should be compensation for excessive time on a cellphone. Lol That's just poor bcd.
Some have surprised me with their level of intelligence in spite of lack of education. After putting together the first draft of a major biz proposal, I bounced a few things off of one (who I had been seeing quite regularly) and she had some VERY valid observations and questions. Then there are some who seem to have ZERO intellect at all.
I like silly too Al. Have had some of my best laughs in sessions. David I agree savy goes a long way in surprising situations.
myren1900's Avatar
I really LOVE dates with beautiful women, who also are intelligent, educated and knowledgeable.
It is a requirement for repeat visits that they can carry an interesting conversation as well as provide great service. This is particular important for sessions longer than an hour.

My best dates have been with smart women.

As always we are in accord Brother Myren.
Mysterydate023's Avatar
All I'd ask is stay off the goddamn cell phone. I don't need to discuss high finance or English Lit. Hobby dates are all about primal connection. Let's keep it simple. Originally Posted by joethick
Ugh, that's a pet peeve of mine. It's my fucking session, do your business when I leave. Some I've seen have had the phone buzz almost continuously through the session, but to their credit, they ignored it till I was trying to catch my breath. Once or twice I've had a girl practically answering the texts while I was humping her.

One thing I will do is to let the lady determine the topic somewhat. If she is going on about something, I'll go with it, as long as it isn't about reality tv or such. As for eccie drama, I find it entertaining in a weird way. In the boudoir, the gloves come off, (maybe a poor choice of metaphor ) and I just listen. It's a point.
Whoa, I can't think of any good reason to be having a whole text conversation while on a date with someone. Despite being a bit of a princess in a few ways , I guess I'm not a primadonna who thinks it's a good move to be splitting my time between whoever is on top of me, and whoever else I could possibly be coordinating with.

As far as my conversation style, I do enjoy consuming a mix of high culture and guilty pleasure type low culture. But I'm fully aware that it doesn't make sense to talk to a grown ass man about the same topics I would bring up with my besties. (Seriously, who on ECCIE keeps up with RuPaul's Drag Race? Or is gagging over Queen Bey's performance on the CMAs last night?!) The biggest hurdle I encounter is the extent to which I am introverted. For most of my life, I've preferred conversation with depth to chit chat. So the length of a date may determine how much I talk.
albundy's Avatar
Generally, I just want a fun chick. She doesn't have to have a degree or be up to date on current events. I'm not going there to debate the issues with her.

I like to be funny and maybe get a laugh or two (besides the giggles when I drop my pants), listen to her (most of these chicks have very interesting lives and appreciate when someone REALLY listens to them), and I mainly want her to act like she gives a rat's ass about me for the short time I'm there.
Question? Lol xxoo annie Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Good Morning Ms. Annie...I concur...
