Jesse Jackson Jr, "Change Constitution So Every Ghetto Kid Gets an iPod and Laptop"
Jesse Jackson Jr, "Change Constitution So Every Ghetto Kid Gets an iPod and Laptop" Originally Posted by deacon
liberalism is truly a mental illness it can't be rationalized to a sane person. Originally Posted by |||||||||||||||||Fresh fish, Liberalism is not classified as an actual mental illness. You just have a fantasy that it is. Your delusion about this and your quickness to tell a lie about it concerns me. Do you hear voices in your head?
Fresh fish, Liberalism is not classified as an actual mental illness. You just have a fantasy that it is. Your delusion about this and your quickness to tell a lie about it concerns me. Do you hear voices in your head?
How can a non-mental illness be "rationalized" to a sane person? Explain. Wouldn't a sane person also be rational, and therefore capable to figure out reality for themselves? Your passive sentence structure hints that you are used to being told what to think. In your view, things have to be "rationalized TO" you.
PS. STFU Originally Posted by Longermonger