9th Circuit Amicus brief lays out the harms of the prostitution law vs decriminalization

9th Circuit Amicus brief lays out the harms of the prostitution law vs decriminalization

While prior Amicus and the Appeal Briefs have focused mostly on the complex constitutional and other legal issues challenging the prostitution law this case is excellent laying out the harms of prostitution. While Children of the Night that filed it may be more on the street work side for which it will be easier for the State to show a compelling interest, the harms also apply to private adults that are not desperate on the streets but funding college etc.

The brief presents a great argument about the lower Court not taking the issues seriously and just dismissing them in their summary judgement. The brief argues to remand the case back to the lower court for a full trial. I am not clear if the 9th can simply reverse without having to remand back to Superior Court and force it to take to trial which could take years. Then each side would probably appeal again to the 9th taking a few more years.

The State reply to all these briefs that will argue to keep prostitution illegal should be out soon.

Amicus Brief is at