Farewell West Texas!

Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Just wanted to say it was great catching up
with you all and making some new great friends!
West Texas never disappoints! Sorry I couldn't make
it out to Lubbock to catch up with some of my other friends
but hopefully passing threw on my next trip! I will see you
all next year! Have a great Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year!!
raremonkey's Avatar
safe travels Jess!
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Thanks monkey!
Dreading all the political discussions people
Are going to wanna have at the airport today!
Kinda over hearing about it all just ready to see the outcome!
raremonkey's Avatar
Lol. Tell them you voted for George Strait.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Lol. Tell them you voted for George Strait. Originally Posted by raremonkey
lol I am gonna do that. I got asked 4 times before even reaching the airport lol. I am just gonna start saying random names 😋
  • banjo
  • 11-08-2016, 01:01 PM
Jess, When will you be in San Antonio?
Thanks monkey!
Dreading all the political discussions people
Are going to wanna have at the airport today!
Kinda over hearing about it all just ready to see the outcome! Originally Posted by Perfect Playmate
To spare myself from talking to people when I travel I keep my headphones on and the music blasting the entire time. If my seat mate tries to engage me in conversation I've been known to fake sleep.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, etc.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Jess, When will you be in San Antonio? Originally Posted by banjo
I haven't actually put the dates together yet.
I will post a prebook ad before I make the trip.
Also, you can always keep an eye on my website.
Hopefully before the end of the year.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
To spare myself from talking to people when I travel I keep my headphones on and the music blasting the entire time. If my seat mate tries to engage me in conversation I've been known to fake sleep.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, etc. Originally Posted by JHurt1968
Thank you and that never works for me. I get the shoulder tap or
The elbow nudge. Some people will just lean forward and talk so
they know I see them lol. I am actually doing good so far at the airport
first flight I moved to have the whole row to myself. This flight I will not
Be so lucky lol. Enjoy your holidays as well!

Btw I am all for talking. I am just not wanting to go over
This specific (presidency) topic any longer lol