Outlook OneDrive

Snaggletooth's Avatar
If I have uploaded a video in onedrive and wish to embeddd that video in the ROS or in private is this possible. I have the URL which was produced by onedrive but when I paste that in a thread the only the URL appears. What step(s) am I missing in order to have this appear within a video player.

Totempole's Avatar
I just tried and failed to link a simple image in One Drive. Seems MS always wants to load a viewer or player prior to viewing, thus a direct link fails.


Google drive does not have this limitation. Don't know about other cloud storage.

Be aware if you do use Google Drive or Photos, it will display the image/video in your Recent log. So if you open something like an editor, the item may display. Some images or vids you may not want to be seen by a family member if they log on or use your device. Use incognito to do some things.
