Phoenix Diversion Program

On 5/10/2016 the City of Phoenix amended the Catholic Charities contract extending it from ending 6/30/2017 to 9/30/2017 for the winding down period to allow participants to complete the program. No extensions remain on the contract. Catholic Charities was granted an additional $299,009 of additional funding "to continue to provide and monitor rehabilitation services for prostitution offenders. The program offers support, education and treatment to end a lifestyle of prostitution benefiting both the community and the offender, for the Law Department."

Dave notes, this is the show the horrors of street hookers and pimps to scare from this "lifestyle". Catholic Charities ran the Project Rose roundups to Bethany Bible Church were woman were given the choice of their rehab indoctrination program and to be for many their pretend victim, or go to jail. It seemed most of the roundups were from ads and reviews for established by at choice woman that didn't want to be rescued or play their victim game for funding. Due to many complaints, the Project Rose roundups were "temporally suspended" a few years ago.

I do not know if the John's conversion program is still running or how often the diversion is offered to gals vs the mandatory 15-days minimum in jail (usually Tent City). They current enforcement emphasis seems to be on criminal enterprise felony cases if two people work together, have helper, driver, etc with many massage and agency busts over the last few years. Most of these cases result in felony pleas, although many are currently in progress in Maricopa Superior Court.