While the brave citizens of Libya are being slaughtered by Kadaffi's tanks and jets it might be an appropriate time to take stock of American policy in the Middle East, particularly in the last ten years, and what our total indifference to what's going on in Libya says about American policy.
It may be helpful to contrast Kadaffi vs. Saddam, as they couldn't be more different, and American policy toward them has been totally different also.
Acts of War Against the United States
Unlike Saddam, who never targeted any American citizen for any reason, Kadaffi has killed, murdered and maimed numerous US citizens over his fourty year tenure. He has blown up places where US servicemen congregated, blown up our Airliners, and so forth. Many such explosions were conducted with the TWENTY TONS of American-manufactured C-4 which Kadaffi bought from a CIA agent, Edwin Wilson, in the 1970s. Wilson was convicted in Federal Court in Houston for this, but his conviction was overturned six years ago when another Federal Judge in Houston concluded THAT WILSON WAS ACTUALLY WORKING ON ORDERS FROM THE CIA when he sold Kadaffi the C-4, which was the TOTAL AVAILABLE AMOUNT OF C-4 IN THE U.S. AT THE TIME.
Support of Terrorism
Unlike Saddam, who never supported any foreign terrorists, Kadaffi provided the bulk of all support to international terrorist organizations throughout the 1970s and 1980s. His camps and training were used by every single terrorist group on record. He gave them not only training but of course C-4, and every other kind of material aid. In fact it is because of his role that such groups were ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL IN EVERY PLAN AND ATTEMPT, unlike today, when all "al-Qaeda" can muster is someone like the "underwear bomber," etc.
Aggression Against Neighbors
Saddam had valid beefs with the Iranians and Kuwaitis, but that does not justify his military aggressions toward them. Saddam is to blame for those two wars.
Kadaffi was too timid to use his military directly against anyone who could shoot back, so instead he trained and supported a host of criminals in sub-Saharan Africa who instigated horrible tribal and commercial wars in such places as Niger, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Playing a game of carnage in sub-Saharan Africa was something no major power cared a damn about, so he focused on that as his entertainment in the 1990s.
American Policy Toward Each
The U.S. raided Libya in 1986 with F-111 bombers which missed Kadaffi but killed numerous Libyan citizens, including Kadaffi's eleven year old daughter.
Besides this the U.S. has pretty much left him alone. Recently the U.S. has turned a blind eye to his rapproachment with the UK and EU, who would rather purchase his gas and oil rather than dispose of him.
President Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have not lifted a finger to indict him for his many bloody crimes against US citizens over the years, or to assist in any way the courageous citizens of Libya who he is now slaughtering.
In contrast to this the US invaded Iraq, a country which had never committed any act of war against the US, and delivered Saddam to his enemies, who hung him at the end of a rope.
Today in Iraq there is less electricity, water, employment or income than during even the worst days under Saddam.
There is at least as much government-conducted torture and murder in Iraq today as there was under Saddam. This repression has been stepped up in the last few weeks to suppress the population from following the example of other Arab peoples in their respective revolts.