Phone calls - what is the purpose?
I have just started in the hobby, but I currently only offer email contact. I have seen most girls use a phone and I have had some guys request I call them or they call me.
Since you really can't say very much to someone over the phone, since I see most girls also put don't talk about Donations or any activities, just what do you talk about when a guy calls you or asks for you to call him?
I would think talking on the phone would just be one more way to maybe trip up if it was LE trying to get you. Also since you really can't keep someone from calling and wasting minutes, etc, doesn't this cause more issues than it helps?
Let me know as I am curious.
Rentable Slut - Laura
I can't speak for everyone, of course, but some clients and providers want to get a sense of what the other is like before making an appointment. I have had several providers want to speak to me in person before meeting me. I can't blame them a bit. After all we get to see your pictures, read your reviews. Ladies need something to help them feel secure in the clients they see.
What you say on the phone comes down to common sense. And if one of you doesn't display any, that's a good sign NOT to see someone.
That indefinable "chemistry," that so many have said makes or breaks a decision to see someone and can make an appointment great or horrible.
There is also the WALDT factor existing in the hobby (and the rest of the world). Some people don't like text or e-mails. And they do leave a trail just like a phone call might.
The key is what's important to you in handling your business. You can make any rules you like. Some clients will like them some won't.
For me a phone call is an essential part of selecting a provider. There is a lot you can tell about a provider by her voice and the way she talks. Sure, I think e-mail contact is probably best for initial contact and setting up a date. Websites go a long way at giving information about a provider, so using e-mail should be the first step. However, I still think a phone call to confirm date and location is in order. At some point, you are going to have to talk to the provider on the phone to either give directions or get directions. From my experience, I usually make initial contact via e-mail and develop a conversation with the provider. When we do finally talk on the phone, we are both comfortable with each other. I've actually had some pretty steamy pre-date phone chats because the both of us were extremely comfortable with each other.
I need to hear a voice behind the email. Im just weird. You can tell alot of things over the phone about a person.
Sometimes its a waste of time, and tedious.... some days are rough.
But the phone provides a certain comfort level for me, that an email doesn't.
I agree that you can tell a lot by a phone conversation... I've had a few conversations over the phone with certain providers that sealed the deal for me.
Laura, talking to a man on the phone lets you get a "feel" for him in a way emails can't. For me initial contact must be by email or PM, but I won't see a man until he's provided a phone number and I've called him. You just need to chit-chat and get or give directions; if he starts asking improper questions ("What do I get for my money?" or "Do you party?") or insisting on dirty talk you can eliminate him instantly. Otherwise, hearing his voice will let your intuition go to work; always trust your gut if it warns you away.
I will not see anyone without at least one or two phone calls. You can tell a lot more about a person over the phone vs. email. I have declined many a dates because I could tell with a 10 min. conversation the guy would bore me to tears.
While phone calls are nice, they are not necessary. I think I am approachable and could talk a dog off a meat truck! However, I got burned once...nice girl, but had a high pitched voice and a laugh that was hard to take after a while....Adoe Annie.
I prefer at least one conversation just to make sure things are all good, kind of breaks the ice puts me more at ease, emails are great at first for gettting to know but nothing can replace a voice.
An initial call when the hobbyists can safely do it to break the ice is good. Also, if for some reason a delay or cancellation is unavoidable and meeting time is close, it allows for a quick call or text to keep the lady from having an unexpected no show.
Personally, I'm not a fan of phone calls except to get final directions. I can tell as much from an email (Can she spell? Does she use actual words and, God help us, sentences?) as a phone conversation. But then, I only use about 100 minutes a month on my regular cell phone, much less my hobby phone. And most of that is work related.
I really encourage at least one phone conversation before meeting
on my hobby phone. I have found it really helps to break the ice, plus
you know a lttle more by the voice. Most of the time, the conversation
is pretty revealing to me.
I love this thread. It poses a question I have wondered myself a few times.
I have many reasons why I don't post my phone number on my ads.
I don't think I could do this if I had to talk to prospective clients on the phone before screening and interviewing online. I still expect a phone # and a couple of telephone conversations as well. Distinctly unique parts of my total of impression of someone come from both avenues of communication. I wouldn't give up either one.
I am blessed to have all these modes of communication available to me.
I use email for the screening purpose and than at least one call to break the ice....Than I email my location the day before the date and have him call the day of date...It is just a safety thing ,in addition you call alot by talking on the phone....
.... nothing can replace a voice.
Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Are you referring to me?? I really should call you.....huh??