How do you predict Trump will effect the sex industry,?

I am getting pretty tired of talking about politics, BUT I am curious to know predictions from the left & right as to how this election may change the sex industry. This includes: sex trafficking, the hobby and the like.
Prostitution (oh, I'm sorry, 'the hobby) - as old as it is - has weathered many an administration. Hell, it's been a part of most all of them on some level. This admnistration will be no different in that regard.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Too many other things with much higher priority. Doubt he's even thought a thing about it.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Based on his tax plan, Ah pree-dickt thet us rich oldt white dudes is a-gonna git e'en richer, an' e'ery buddy else is a-gonna git poorer 'r stay tha same.

Whut this means is thet tha hobby is a-gonna stratify e'en more. Tha fellas on tha poor end ee-thar ain't gonna be able ta hobby 'r not hobby as much, so thet end o' tha market is a-gonna dry up an' tha few thet's gonna be 'roundt is a-gonna be lookin' 'r askin' fer speshuls an' discounts laik nobuddy's bidness, reel 'ggressive-laik. It's a-gonna be a bottom-feeder's world fer thet market segment.

Now, tha high end o' tha hobby is a -gonna be jus' fine. Plenny o' munny ta eye-thar hobby laik wolverines in heat on Viagra 'r jus' pay fer them jet-set high-dollar-hotties. Tha only problum is thet they's only so menny clients an' only so menny loads they kin blow. Viagra'll giv'um s boner but it don't make werkin' up some more jam enny dern quicker.

So, gals oughta git reddy fer tha poss'ble future. Eye-thar pree-pare fer tha dash ta tha bottum an' look forwardt to do a lotta blow-an-go's an' utha cheep deels ta service thet end o' tha market

'R git yerself a nice party dress and spike-heel shoes ta cater ta us upper-crusty fellas. But keep in mind, a lotta us is crazy sick pree-verted bastards.
nuglet's Avatar
he's used to paying for sex, nuttin' new here. ya think Malania would be with him if he was an everyday working stiff? LOL
I concur - it's a non issue for Trump.
Alluring_Amber's Avatar
Shoot he might make it fully legal! LOL.
With his wife being a escort and all.
That's what I was looking for DD.
AA I didn't know that. Are you serious? I'm going to have to look that up now!
knotty man's Avatar
waiting to see how he affects the music industry.
cant wait to all the rappers copying "the do"
Trump's obsession with law enforcement means he's going to waste tons of tax payer money going after vices. All of the legal marijuana laws? Won't matter once he triples the DEA's budget and orders them to shut it down. He'll go after everything that his Christian fascist overlords want him to go after. That's what you get when you elect dumbass religious fanatic republicans.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Who agrees with me that David Doughshit' should be sent to Washington DC to work in Trump's Cabinet? Is there any doubt that he wouldn't fuch things up as much the current idiots?
He doesn't care about marijuana - what he does care about is the epidemic of opiate overdoses that are occurring thru out the US - especially in the northern States. I can name New Hampshire for one. Heron and prescribed opioids - are the two drugs that are on his radar due to these horrific deaths that are occurring due to overdose.
And I have seen and heard religious fanatics - they are nowhere near Trump and his team.

Trump's obsession with law enforcement means he's going to waste tons of tax payer money going after vices. All of the legal marijuana laws? Won't matter once he triples the DEA's budget and orders them to shut it down. He'll go after everything that his Christian fascist overlords want him to go after. That's what you get when you elect dumbass religious fanatic republicans. Originally Posted by goobersnotch
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Frankly, Drumpf won't deal with any of that shit and I'll be shocked (pleasantly) if he doesn't totally cave to big Pharma and the insurance companies.

I'm disgusted that Congress hasn't addressed the opioid crisis yet.

Drumpf is going to have to figure out how to make these bastards in Congress go to work. They're kinda out of practice.
pussycat's Avatar
Trump's obsession with law enforcement means he's going to waste tons of tax payer money going after vices. All of the legal marijuana laws? Won't matter once he triples the DEA's budget and orders them to shut it down. He'll go after everything that his Christian fascist overlords want him to go after. That's what you get when you elect dumbass religious fanatic republicans. Originally Posted by goobersnotch
Trump doesn't go to church but his daughter Ivanka goes to Jewish Temple. Reagan's Attorney General Ed Meese waged a war on pornography and had the F.B.I. follow around producers in porn valley close to where Ed Meese used to live. But that was a long time ago. Trump's followers don't give a damn about weed or the hobby except that many of them are libertarians who want everything to be legal. Jeff Sessions will be the Attorney General and he's going to enforce the immigration laws just the way they used to always be enforced, which should be a source of alarm to no one. In fact nothing that Trump will do should be a source of alarm because all he's going to do is revert back to the way things used to be prior to the changes which started in the 1980s. We are going back to the days of "My Three Sons" and "Hogan's Heros" and "Green Acres." If we go back just a little further we will be right back where we started in this country, where every city in America had a "sporting district" full of brothels and bordellos. The hobby was a fixture of every town and city in America until the recent past. When I first came to Austin in the early 1980s from Houston to go to U.T. there were girls walking openly all over 7th street, 11th street, and South Congress and everyone was fine with it. Man we just gotta get this big government and nanny state bullshit off our fucking backs! This is recent, recent, recent, just like these fucking trade agreements and the deregulation of the banks and every other evil thing that has been laid on this country. And Trump and his revolution will bring us back to sanity I'm hoping. And if Trump won't do it we will find others who will. I won't be satisfied until I can get a bj on 8th street from an eighteen year old street walker with dozens of on-lookers and passers by like I did when I was nineteen!