DemRats fleeing a ship

Report: Obama Justice Dept. Insiders “Terrified”…

Posted on November 15, 2016 by sundance
A report in the Huffington Post outlines some tremors within the activist civil rights division of the Department of Justice following the election:

Donald Trump speaks during the National Rifle Association's annual meeting in Nashville, Tennessee(Via HuffPo) […] Former DOJ official Jonathan Smith, whose work included the Civil Rights Division’s investigation into widespread unconstitutional behavior by the Ferguson Police Department, said he suspects many attorneys within the division are already preparing to depart.

“My guess is that [Wednesday], half the division spent the day fixing up their resumes,” he said. “I expect that you’re going to see, starting almost immediately, an outflow of very committed lawyers who are going to look for other ways to make a contribution and to not stick through a Trump administration.”

“I’m very concerned about what’s going to happen to the Civil Rights Division and the progress that’s been made on critical issues around criminal justice,” he added. “It’s really quite terrifying.”

Significant departures are virtually guaranteed, and it’s too early to say just how many career civil rights lawyers at DOJ will stick around for the Trump administration. Civil Rights Division chief Vanita Gupta recently told hundreds of employees that she’s planning to stay on until Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20.

As of Tuesday afternoon, the Trump transition team had not contacted anyone at the Justice Department, and DOJ officials hadn’t been told the names of the individuals on the Trump team.

Many career attorneys are anxiously awaiting Trump’s attorney general pick, which will give them a better sense of the president-elect’s priorities and help them decide whether they could be more effective inside a Trump DOJ or fighting for civil rights from the outside. Opponents of the Civil Rights Division’s work during the Obama administration, meanwhile, are salivating over the changes a Trump administration could bring about. (read more)

Guest123018-4's Avatar
They should be as a matter of fact.
they shouldn't be had they done their jobs.
  • DSK
  • 11-15-2016, 09:42 PM
I'm sure they can get lucrative private sector jobs in the George Soros universe.
Report: Obama Justice Dept. Insiders “Terrified”…

FUCKEM!!! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So the defenders of the Dindu Nuffins are leaving ? I say THEY and ALL of the hires that odummer and Eric " Fast and Furious " Holdup put on the gub'mint payroll should be BOOTED out of the door !!! Give them the option of being booted in the "front " or " back " !
..."into widespread unconstitutional behavior by the Ferguson Police Department"...

What widespread unconstitutional behavior by the Ferguson Police Department? They found SEVEN emails they deemed "offensive." They found that they were giving traffic tickets to a disproportional number of black drivers...JUST LIKE EVER OTHER BLACK TOWN IN THE AREA!

OBAMA's DOJ corroborated the autopsy report. They didn't want the videotape of Michael Brown's robbery of the liquor store just before the shooting released.

Yeah, they are high tailing it out of there before malfeasance of office charges are filed.

LexusLover's Avatar
They should have considered that likelihood when they abused their office.

Their boss's ass will make skidmarks out the door as well.

Making political decisions rather than legal ones always backfires!
Obama's justice department is the most corrupt in my memory
Obama's justice department is the most corrupt in my memory Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
And don't forget who it's " leaders " were and especially fiascos like Fast and Furious. The cartels are STILL laughing over that !
Attorney General Lynch still needs to answer for that "meeting on the Tarmac"

She sold a lifetime of integrity down the river in succumbing to the whims of The Clintons.
Ted Cruz at the 0zombie Prosecution buffet table...