New to this hobby and nervous

I am new to this and I was wanting to see a girl that is on this site-Justjackie. She is currently in my town and I think she's beautiful but I am very nervous. Any tips or suggestions? My main concern is LE.

Thank you!
If your main concern is LE. I would double check her reviews and make sure that she is at least verified. You don't need to tofft, especially is your a newb. Good luck and be safe!!!
P411 is your friend. Spend the money.
P411 would be good for him to build up references but unless she is on P411 it won't do him any good.
True, but it's also the safest way to get started. If he's looking at someone on BP, he's a fool, IMHO.
I agree with BP but he mentioned this site .I"m sure there are leaks here also.
And chances are the girl he's looking at is on P411...would actually be helpful if the OP would tell us who he's looking at. LOL
And chances are the girl he's looking at is on P411...would actually be helpful if the OP would tell us who he's looking at. LOL Originally Posted by IDMT
Justjackie is the one I am looking at.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Justjackie is the one I am looking at. Originally Posted by amatx27
Well I did some quick research and here's her profile on TER:

She has a few reviews here:

One of her ads:

The reviews are not linked on her profile for some reason
so to the casual observer it looks like she has no reviews.
Google is your friend.

Looks Legit to me! Have fun!
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
She is legit..... and you SHOULD be nervous if you are new..... if you were not, you would be fool-hearty.... Naomi has done some excellent recon for you, I suggest you read thru what she posted to eliminate any doubts you may have about her....... I also HIGHLY agree with the fellas above... P411 is worth the money, NO DOUBT!

Once you get a session booked..... relax.... have fun..... and let her take GREAT care of you! Mind your manners, and have fun and you'll do just fine!

I would also suggest you PM one of the elder members or Mods in your area if you have other questions.....

Welcome to the Hobby bro! Good luck!

Thank you for all the replies! I feel better about it now, just trying to be careful. Any more suggestions or information is appreciated!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Welcome and have fun! Naomi did you right ,as well as the others offered great advise!!
DEVIN0131968's Avatar


Mature Companion's Avatar
First, welcome to the world of adult fantasy & pleasure.
Second, it's OKAY to be nervous. It's part of life.
Third, if JustJackie is whom you have an interest in seeing. Check out her reviews (every aspect of them) not just the front page. Get BCD and find out more to help you make the decision in seeing her.
If what you read heightens your desire to see her even more. Then contact the young girl and ask her if she's newbie friendly.
If she says no. Then post an ISO in your area for ladies who are newbie friendly. Indicate the type of lady you seek. And let those ladies know upfront that your nervous so they can take that into consideration when seeing you.

Your first time may be a scary, nervous time. Then again it may be the best time of your life.

Enjoy and good luck.

I am new to this and I was wanting to see a girl that is on this site-Justjackie. She is currently in my town and I think she's beautiful but I am very nervous. Any tips or suggestions? My main concern is LE.

Thank you! Originally Posted by amatx27
If your main concern is LE. I would double check her reviews and make sure that she is at least verified. You don't need to tofft, especially is your a newb. Good luck and be safe!!! Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
What is "tofft"?
