Did Hillary win? Or Trump?

Good thing The Donald won or Hillary would be paying off all of her Goldman Sachs donors by appointing them to top administration spots.

Trump is going to teach a lesson to all the big banks that are shipping American jobs overseas and that profited from the Great Recession.

Oh wait ....


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Oh well, at least Trump will be more protective of First Amendment values than the Hildebeast and the PC crowd with all of their speech codes, right?

Oh wait ...


Can't wait to see what he does about border security.
President Elect a Trump simply believes that the pieces of shit who enjoy the benefits and and priveledges of this Country should at least respect the most cherished symbol of what America is.

Many Americans feel the same way.
If you really think the banks are going to benefit from a politician, do the American thing and invest in them and make money. Sitting around all butthurt and whining isn't going to gain you anything.

And fyi, I wouldn't believe much I saw or read on the Communist News Network anyway. They got busted lying, omitting facts, and reporting unethically for the DNC so many times this year it was embarrassing, even for them.
America won. Now get me my fries, Revenant.
lustylad's Avatar
Trump is going to teach a lesson to all the big banks that are shipping American jobs overseas and that profited from the Great Recession.

Oh wait .... Originally Posted by Revenant
Wow... you can't help showcasing your ignorance, can you rev-an-anus?

So now the big banks are guilty of "shipping American jobs overseas"? Gee, when did that happen? Last time I checked, the financial services industry employed around 6 million people in this country. Exactly what kind of banking jobs are we letting the Chinese and Mexicans perform for us? Got a link?

And you think the big banks "profited from the Great Recession"? Really? You can't be that stupid!

Last time I checked, the banks were getting crushed by never-ending fines and fees extracted by greedy politicians and out-of-control regulators for alleged misdeeds during the Great Recession. Does $235 billion sound like chump change to you, mope?

Good thing The Donald won or Hillary would be paying off all of her Goldman Sachs donors by appointing them to top administration spots.

Trump is going to teach a lesson to all the big banks that are shipping American jobs overseas and that profited from the Great Recession.

Oh wait ....


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Oh well, at least Trump will be more protective of First Amendment values than the Hildebeast and the PC crowd with all of their speech codes, right?

Oh wait ...


Can't wait to see what he does about border security. Originally Posted by Revenant

Why you gotta be such a NYoZOMBier... Your true colors are showing.

Most of us saw it long ago...

LexusLover's Avatar
Good thing The Donald won ... Originally Posted by Revenant
Yes .... with you they always win ... I'm sure ....

.. now about those fries for Gnad.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Yes, it is a good thing Donald won...


Not even sworn in yet and already making a difference.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes, it is a good thing Donald won...


Not even sworn in yet and already making a difference. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
He'll end up doing more for the economy before he gets sworn that the soon to be "has-been" did in eight years of trying to learn golf.

Even with the whining, cry-babies complaining and whimpering about the "fixed" election, Russian hackers, and personnel who can't count or scan ballots!

Our friends and the enemies who want to be our friends will notice.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Me? I am looking forward to 4 years without Hillary.
LexusLover's Avatar
Me? I am looking forward to 4 years without Hillary. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So is Bill, I'm sure.

BTW: Speaking of Bill? Where is he on this "recount thingy"?
LexusLover's Avatar
It appears Trump is wanting a Fund Raiser as head of Treasury instead of a Money Spender, who oversees the political audits of those who oppose the squandering that has been ongoing the past two terms. Swamp Draining 101.
  • DSK
  • 11-30-2016, 07:25 AM
Good thing The Donald won or Hillary would be paying off all of her Goldman Sachs donors by appointing them to top administration spots.

Trump is going to teach a lesson to all the big banks that are shipping American jobs overseas and that profited from the Great Recession.

Oh wait ....


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Oh well, at least Trump will be more protective of First Amendment values than the Hildebeast and the PC crowd with all of their speech codes, right?

Oh wait ...


Can't wait to see what he does about border security. Originally Posted by Revenant
I think you are cherry picking your questions a little bit.

Anyway, at least we don't have Hillary!!