Hey leave her alone. There is a Concord, N.H. it is just that Concord bridge is in another state. WTF that was 225+ years ago so what?
I am afraid she will capture the Palin wing and we wont get to see the mano a mano of Grizzly mama vs the Muslim President.
Originally Posted by catnipdipper
I don't think our President is a Muslim infiltrator; he's just a statist asshole. I'll admit that what is passing as conservative thought, and conservative leadership, these days is a monumental embarrassment. It irks me to no end that people looked to Palin as some sort of conservative standard bearer. Sure, she looks sexy in a bikini and holding an M-16, but that's about the extent of it.
If the Republican party actually starts acting on calls of limited government and a true free market economy, then they will get on the right track. They'll first have to concede that disallowing people to marry, outlawing drugs (without a Constitutional amendment as with the prohibition on alcohol...which I would have been against, but at least it was done legally), bailouts, having a surveillance state, etc
. are forms of government intervention.
Even from a political standpoint, if they dropped the social conservative bullshit, started cutting spending and outright abolishing federal agencies (I'm looking at you, DHS), not tampering with the economy, and becoming a party of true principle, I believe the Republican Party would steamroll the Democrats. Imagine the cognitive dissonance if a Republican candidate said he was pro gay marriage and for decriminalizing drugs.