Michelle Bachmann for President

Longermonger's Avatar
...of whatever planet she's living on.(you know...the one where Concord is in New Hampshire, not Massachusetts)

Historian Michelle Bachmann out-gaffes even Joe Biden. How did she even get elected? It baffles the mind.

Okay, I think we all can agree that she's not going to be the next President of the United States of America. So, who else ya got?

Palin? HA!
Newt? HA!
Romneycare? HA!
Daniels? Okay, maybe as a VP pick.
Huckabee? HA!

Where are all of the 'grown ups' and serious candidates? I'm looking and I don't see any. FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!
john_galt's Avatar
If ABC can identify 21 possibles don't you think you can do better Longer. Of course you're not really trying. You're just being a troll.

Bartman1963's Avatar
ABC news is FOX-lite. Same bullshit with half the vitriol. It would be interesting to see who will be the least damaged from the Republican slash and burn I mean primaries coming up. Not to mention it will be fun to watch them come up with more and more outlandish things to say. I for one cannot wait to see which one comes right out and calls Obama a communist agent, the illegitimate great great grandson of Karl Marx, or in favor of a Caucasian genocide.
Philhelm's Avatar
Ron Paul. It amazes me that people can bash Bush yet praise Obama, or bash Obama yet praise Bush (I'm referencing the call for four more years). They're not all that different.

P.S. Obama receiving a Nobel Peace Prize while we are engaged in multiple conflicts, conduct drone strikes, and have troops garrisoned in over 100 nations across the globe is Orwellian (war is peace).
Hey leave her alone. There is a Concord, N.H. it is just that Concord bridge is in another state. WTF that was 225+ years ago so what?

I am afraid she will capture the Palin wing and we wont get to see the mano a mano of Grizzly mama vs the Muslim President.
Philhelm's Avatar
Hey leave her alone. There is a Concord, N.H. it is just that Concord bridge is in another state. WTF that was 225+ years ago so what?

I am afraid she will capture the Palin wing and we wont get to see the mano a mano of Grizzly mama vs the Muslim President. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
I don't think our President is a Muslim infiltrator; he's just a statist asshole. I'll admit that what is passing as conservative thought, and conservative leadership, these days is a monumental embarrassment. It irks me to no end that people looked to Palin as some sort of conservative standard bearer. Sure, she looks sexy in a bikini and holding an M-16, but that's about the extent of it.

If the Republican party actually starts acting on calls of limited government and a true free market economy, then they will get on the right track. They'll first have to concede that disallowing people to marry, outlawing drugs (without a Constitutional amendment as with the prohibition on alcohol...which I would have been against, but at least it was done legally), bailouts, having a surveillance state, etc. are forms of government intervention.

Even from a political standpoint, if they dropped the social conservative bullshit, started cutting spending and outright abolishing federal agencies (I'm looking at you, DHS), not tampering with the economy, and becoming a party of true principle, I believe the Republican Party would steamroll the Democrats. Imagine the cognitive dissonance if a Republican candidate said he was pro gay marriage and for decriminalizing drugs.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Phil did you mean that last paragraph to be funny? Because the way I look at, if the Republican Party did those things they would cease to be the Republican Party and have to call themselves something else. Or maybe that was your point. LOL
Philhelm's Avatar
Phil did you mean that last paragraph to be funny? Because the way I look at, if the Republican Party did those things they would cease to be the Republican Party and have to call themselves something else. Or maybe that was your point. LOL Originally Posted by Bartman1963
A political party is an empty vessel; it is the ideologies of the people within it that determine what the party stands for. Furthermore, the platforms of the Big Two are constantly changing. Once upon a time, it was the conservatives who had opposed Wilson and FDR getting involved in foreign wars. The Republican Party could easily drop a few issues, and focus on advocating for true limited government and a true free market, while still retaining some semblance of its former self.

More on point, I wouldn't even consider advocating for reducing government and reducing government intervention in the economy with the Democratic Party, in its current form. The Republican party's core rhetoric is more in line with such issues. Furthermore, I do consider myself to be a conservative; just one that thinks that drugs, prostitution, and gambling should be legal. I look to the Constitution and its original intent, Natural Law, advice from the Founding Fathers, voluntaryism, and so forth, to help guide my philosophy. Not every conservative is a social conservative or a Christian, unlike the stereotype seems to suggest.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 03-14-2011, 05:03 PM
Don't know why it is, but only Ron Paul makes me believe he means what he says. There are so many points of conservative philosophy that I believe in, I really should be a republican, but I find too many of the leading candidates offensive in what they are saying that there is no way I could ever support any of them. I guess I'm a moderate conservative, but in today's environment, that makes me a bleeding liberal.
Philhelm's Avatar
Don't know why it is, but only Ron Paul makes me believe he means what he says. There are so many points of conservative philosophy that I believe in, I really should be a republican, but I find too many of the leading candidates offensive in what they are saying that there is no way I could ever support any of them. I guess I'm a moderate conservative, but in today's environment, that makes me a bleeding liberal. Originally Posted by KCJoe
No, it doesn't make you a "liberal." Perhaps you're a classical liberal? The term "liberal" doesn't seem too fitting for most that identify themselves as such. One thing I always say is that most liberals aren't liberal, and most conservatives aren't conservative. Single-issue voters and those that simply fall for party propaganda can hardly be said to adhere to any defined government philosophy, or principle, for that matter.

If you like Ron Paul, as I do, then you had better register as a Republican. The libertarian, paleoconservatives, etc., will need people such as you during the primary. If we continue to let folks such as McCain win the Republican primary, then we are screwed. At the moment, we have picked up some liberty candidates in the Republican party, but it will be a long, hard battle.
Longermonger's Avatar
That list is a little outdated. Besides the ones that recently stuck their foots in their mouths, quite a few of them definitively stated that they were NOT running for President. About half of them have no chance of winning a general election against Obama. Santorum? Really? You want mister "man on dog" to lead you? HA!

If ABC can identify 21 possibles don't you think you can do better Longer. Of course you're not really trying. You're just being a troll.

http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/2012-...ry?id=12164311 Originally Posted by john_galt
Philhelm's Avatar
That list is a little outdated. Besides the ones that recently stuck their foots in their mouths, quite a few of them definitively stated that they were NOT running for President. About half of them have no chance of winning a general election against Obama. Santorum? Really? You want mister "man on dog" to lead you? HA! Originally Posted by Longermonger
The actual election aside, I'd so love to see Ron Paul debate Obama, especially when it comes to things like the DHS, the USA PATRIOT Act, the War on Drugs, Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. It would be political porn for me.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Longer, sit down. Relax. I actually agree with you on this one. None of these Republicrats stand a chance of being elected. I wonder what makes Huckabee, Santorum or Gingrich think they even have a chance. I think Sarah Palin is the smartest of the bunch, because I think she will forego the election and get rich working for Fox.

Right now I kind of like Herman Cain, but I'm sure he will disappoint before too long. Besides, he doesn't stand a chance either.

Ron Paul is a nutjob, but I really like his ideas, and he is crazy enough to follow through with his campaign promises. He won't get the nomination, but he'd be fun to watch.

My prediction? Mitt Romney. He will lose to Obama in the general.

We ought to start a bracket, like they have for college basketball.