"Just 400 Americans -- 400 -- have more wealth than half of all Americans combined."
Oddly enough, this statement is true. Is that the America that you thought you were living in? Are you okay with 150 million people suffering while an elite 400 are obscenely wealthy and actively rigging the system so they can drain more money from the rest of the population?
Not all people on the Forbes 400 are evil, but some of those multi-billionaires are (shock!) greedy. Some of them like to use the gigantic megaphones that their wealth can buy to influence politics. Sure, they only have 400 votes. But they can influence millions of votes.
Given the events of the last few months, can you see how there may have been some influence to extend the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% and there might be some influence to push anti-union state laws to force the lower classes to pay the tab?
Or maybe you believe that nobody on the Forbes 400 list ever tries to influence politics for their benefit.
A Boeing 747-400 could hold all of the Forbes 400 easily. Compare that to half the population of the U.S.A. Seems a little uneven, no?