Nocturnal Animals 2016

Have any of you seen the opening scene to the movie Nocturnal Animals?
It features nude women dancing about very confidently and giddy.
They are not perfectly shaped or sized women, but they are confidently smiling regardless

Sometimes a smile can be a lady's best feature me thinks.
dj8rocks's Avatar
Have not seen the show, but I wholeheartedly agree about a woman's smile. It is her best asset, it exudes confidence, personality, sensuality. Her smile shows her pleasure in whatever it is that brings forth that smile. 😊
Guest072918's Avatar
Haven't seen the opening (yet), but will. The best feature for a woman is confidence. I don't really care about body type if she is confident in her own skin, we will be good together.
Contralto's Avatar

Sometimes a smile can be a lady's best feature me thinks. Originally Posted by GigiGabore
All the time. ALL the time...
I like that I'm getting such thoughtful responses! Very encouraging as far as bringing forth more discussions
I like getting to know more about you fellow pervs ♡♡
Guest072918's Avatar
At the end of the day, we are all still human with simple wants and needs. Each of us are drawn to this community for our own needs. But it fills those needs, however different, for each of us. Some need affection. Some need connection and chemistry Some need affirmation that they are desirable. Some need an escape from the drudgery of their home life. And some need $ to survive Here, it all works harmoniously, wants and needs meeting desires and fantasies. Isn't this wonderful?
Ah yes woodford! Quite wonderful. This hobby is an interesting, but wonderful one!
I have grown over the years too. Years ago, my sexual appetite was that of a married woman!! (Haha)

So, I must say...theres a client I've seen since I was 19/20 and he likes me now better than my 19 year old self...and to be honest, I do too. I'm much more frisky than I once was...I get hornier with age.

Lordy...can I say that on here? Haha off subject, but my post count is so low because of times like this when I ask myself...should I be that open online?
terrier16973479's Avatar
Great thread!
Smiles on women are a great feature but as a guy...I can think of a lot of features of a woman that drive me crazy...and ladies, don't tell me that smiles on a guy are not a turn-on for you...smiles can even be used to cheer yourself up. When I was in sales I was told by my boss to start the day by smiling into the mirror until you start laughing at yourself...some days I had to smile for a while but it always worked!