Must read!!!!!!!! Maybe the end of b.p for good

chloeblue83's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Is this an alert? Or just hysteria?
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 12-11-2016, 09:00 AM
if you are trolling backpage for pussy you are going to get ripped off, robbed, killed or arrested sooner or later and we have the stories to prove it. So, who the fuck cares.

hobby safe

Kirk out
cabletex7's Avatar
if you are trolling backpage for pussy you are going to get ripped off, robbed, killed or arrested sooner or later and we have the stories to prove it. So, who the fuck cares.

hobby safe

Kirk out Originally Posted by 5T3V3
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
BP will be around for ever ..
Jubei_Kibagami's Avatar
Websites like that are like weeds.. First it was craigslist and then now backpage.. Cut one weed down and another grows in it's place..
if you are trolling backpage for pussy you are going to get ripped off, robbed, killed or arrested sooner or later and we have the stories to prove it. So, who the fuck cares.

hobby safe

Kirk out Originally Posted by 5T3V3
I troll backpage, I've been ripped off and I've been robbed, haven't been arrested yet or killed, I hope your predictions are off to some degree, for my sake.

I am not a newbie at this, I capitalized on the Craigslist days and I mostly had a lot of good times and I had some hiccups, but overall for me it was a blast, all the fresh new talent entering the business, not sure of what they were getting into, I had a lot of fun, but again, make no mistake about it, I've been ripped off, robbed and was in a shootout with some POS criminal pimps, that I refused to bow down to, so I guess you could say the POSs did attempt to kill me, but when they saw muzzle fire coming their way, they backed down real quick and hauled ass.

In the street business, you learn real fast that you gotta be prepared, doesn't gaurentee you anything, but it "could help in a sticky situation.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Not an alert, just a general discussion topic.

Moved to coed.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
  • pxmcc
  • 12-22-2016, 10:59 PM
I troll backpage, I've been ripped off and I've been robbed, haven't been arrested yet or killed, I hope your predictions are off to some degree, for my sake.

I am not a newbie at this, I capitalized on the Craigslist days and I mostly had a lot of good times and I had some hiccups, but overall for me it was a blast, all the fresh new talent entering the business, not sure of what they were getting into, I had a lot of fun, but again, make no mistake about it, I've been ripped off, robbed and was in a shootout with some POS criminal pimps, that I refused to bow down to, so I guess you could say the POSs did attempt to kill me, but when they saw muzzle fire coming their way, they backed down real quick and hauled ass.

In the street business, you learn real fast that you gotta be prepared, doesn't gaurentee you anything, but it "could help in a sticky situation. Originally Posted by onemixedguy
Damn dude,you should write some reviews. You can read one of mine here similar to your experience, but you'd need PA to see the ROS, which you can get if you write a review.
chloeblue83's Avatar
I knew it!!!! Now all them unskilled b.p girls with additude problems n trouble will be getting on this site!!! I hope it stays awesome on eccie sad face
chloeblue83's Avatar
chloeblue83's Avatar