We interrupt this thrilling drama about pimps/hoes/moderators/speculative drama/back and forth... etc to move co-ed back to something fun that, you know... attracts people to the conversation rather than airing drama and convincing folks to go read backpage ads.
*disclaimer* I disclaim any specific reference to disclaimable claptrap in a disclaimy way.
I'll start. Four years ago I was meeting a provider I had some established interest in, seen a couple of times, had fun, etc. She called me one night asking if I wanted to "hang out." Clarifying what that meant, she told me she just wanted to come over and "hang out" because we always had fun and she wanted some cheering up.
Shouldve read the warning She came over, drunk and things, draped herself out on my lap, and started telling me how I was "her favorite santa claus" I thought... wow... this is some cool role playing stuff, so I tried to play along. It was fun for awhile, and you know who doesn't want a hot provider just coming over to crawl all over them (no appointment, no donation, yay!). As things got oral, she looked up at me and in the cutest voice said (after glancing at my presents under the tree), whether she could have a couple of them.
What? Yes... she asked that. I collected myself, laughed, and thought she must be joking. She got mad, said I was taking advantage of her generosity, and started a teenage pouting routine about how no one loved her enough to get her presents, and how her kids were doing without... I was kinda confused.
I had a "white elephant gift" under the tree for an upcoming party. It was a collection of airline alcohol bottles of bad liquor (in my view) I had collected in my trips that year. So I gave her the small box and said she should share it with her kids (I was joking) after I decided she should get clothed and leave, since, you know... I had forgotten I had to go see my mom (excuse, she doesn't live anywhere near town). So I put her in a cab, with the present... and sent her on her way...(argh... with no relief, and a member that could stab steel).
I got a text 30 minutes later about how her and her kids loved the gift, and how awesome I was. Given there was some stawberry tequila (I hate that stuff), etc... I have no idea whether she gave her kids some of them or not.
Feel free to add your holiday hobbying stories funny, sweet, sad, whatever.
Tis the season!