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felicitysmokez's Avatar
sooo mountain goat has hacked my number and is using it as a way to "scare off "my friends please note that i am getting a new number and any texts from either of my numbers are NOT coming from me and are, in every way , fraudulent and false whatever he is saying to make EVERYONE a no show .... im not quite sure but i have worked hard to be the person i am today and im not going to let one spiteful person destroy that for now please PM me and i will make arrangements that way for now thank you for reading -felicity
<sarcasm font>What a surprise.</sarcasm font>
I have had two women in Syracuse tell me stories about some crazy possessive old dude. Each story followed the same path. Maybe you ladies should get together and create some kind of exchange board for escorts so you can share that kind of info?
There are places to exchange info. Some girls just aren't informed and others don't heed the warnings.
Another provider has also complained about this dbag extraordinaire...and she is simply my friend as I no longer partake in the hobby. So after reading felicity's post, have to believe the ladies. Be safe ladies.
It is surprisingly easy to do. Not to hack the actual phone, but to trick the receiving phone into thinking texts are coming from somewhere else. Harder to do with voice.
elghund's Avatar
sooo mountain goat has hacked my number and is using it as a way to "scare off "my friends........ Originally Posted by felicitysmokez
fuckin creep.......

Popcorn is on ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ben dover's Avatar
What an ASSHAT!!
bra size?
You are welcome LJ7
prograde's Avatar
He should tell his side of the story, lol
I only have so much popcorn....
ISO's Avatar
  • ISO
  • 12-15-2016, 09:03 PM
sooo mountain goat has hacked my number and is using it as a way to "scare off "my friends Originally Posted by felicitysmokez
I didn't get scared off. I'm just waiting for your bush to be big and bushy again; I read a review where it said you'd shaved it.

Then you can count me in for an hour date with you.
ben dover's Avatar
He should tell his side of the story, lol Originally Posted by prograde
Yeah i'd like to hear that as well, how do you spin that to make it sound innocent? BD
Yeah i'd like to hear that as well, how do you spin that to make it sound innocent? BD Originally Posted by ben dover
I would hazard a guess that innocence won't be found on either side of this fray. Now gotta go resume my SNOTT search; enjoy the popcorn people.