Favorite Holiday Traditions

Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 12-21-2016, 08:06 AM
I think one of my favorite Holiday Traditions growing up was that we ordered Chinese food for Christmas Eve. It was certainly a treat for my family. What are some of your favorite Holiday Traditions?
I make my grandma's spiced gumdrop bundt cake. It's a 100-YO recipe!
For many years on Christmas Day, my dad, along with my brother and myself we would go play golf. The courses were all closed so we had to sneak on to play. Didn't matter if it was sunny or snowing. 50 degrees or 20 degrees we would go and play. The tradition ended when my dad died but certainly left me with many fond memories.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Growing up we always went to my paternal grandparents on Christmas eve for cornbread & beans. A tradition that my mother continued after Granny passed & I continue to this day. Unsure if my daughter will carry on once I am gone as she is not a big fan of beans.
JRLawrence's Avatar
My dad and brothers would always go hunting on Christmas afternoon. It was a special time that the guys spent together, while the ladies stayed at the house with a snack and lady talk.

Like we always used to say: the good Lord invented hunting and fishing so that the men could get out of the house.

pyramider's Avatar
I enjoy unwrapping taint.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I enjoy unwrapping taint. Originally Posted by pyramider
As do I.
But, where's your review?
DallasRain's Avatar
When I was a kid,my sisters and I would go chop a tree down from the woods and decorate it the day aftre thanksgiving

Now the only tradition i have is ,the elf on a shelf for the grandman

merry christmas all yall!!
pyramider's Avatar
As do I.
But, where's your review? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

I have over 200 here. Where are yours?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
In a stocking or under a tree.