For those who have attempted to contact me via my hobby number/p4/email and eccie pm, I apologize for the radio silence. I have been working myself ragged at my cumbersome real world bullshit job and the hobby phone has been off. I do not typically conduct my biz here in this fashion, and I am truly sorry for the frustrations caused by my lack of response. I will be available to answer ALL communications from this point on. I just got overly wrapped up in RW work/life/etc and gave myself no room for this naughty little realm. I have missed my old friends and im ready to meet up w the new friends who have been so patient and understanding with my difficult and sporadic availability.
Of course, best, if you know in advance, to insert something in your signature or an "autoreply" in your email or voicxe mail to let your loyal fans know you are confronting the RW and to stand by for your return.