My gear smart watch

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well I was at a store today and someone tried to steal my phone. Once I noticed that my phone was gone I put my watch to work. I was able to track it down to some apartments. Who ever took my phone figured out that I was tracking them so they though my phone away and I was still able to recover my phone. I had been thinking about getting the smart ring too. After this I'm ordering it today. The rings capabilities means that I can hide all files even if they could break my password codes. Either way if you don't have a smart watch then get 1 or the ring.
nuglet's Avatar
Good for you Woman!
Tech rules!!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Thanks nug!! Have you seen the rings capabilities? It's badass and I will have one soon.
BadBoyForLife69's Avatar
Well I was at a store today and someone tried to steal my phone. Once I noticed that my phone was gone I put my watch to work. I was able to track it down to some apartments. Who ever took my phone figured out that I was tracking them so they though my phone away and I was still able to recover my phone. I had been thinking about getting the smart ring too. After this I'm ordering it today. The rings capabilities means that I can hide all files even if they could break my password codes. Either way if you don't have a smart watch then get 1 or the ring. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Because of you I got my smart watch too! Thank you FirePhoenix. And I am glad you found your phone. I be texting you and no response. Lol I am glad you got it back with your smart watch.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Nice signature line
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Speaking of Smart watches I need to do a product test. One of the smart watches that came is is supposedly a fully compatible smart watch with iPhone software. It doesn't just support. I don't use apple products so I can't test it out. Basically I need someone who has an iPhone 6 (iph 7 would be better) to test it. The watch I have is 1 out of 2 styles that were coming in. So when the second one comes in I need to test that one too. Pm for details
nuglet's Avatar
2 birds, 1 stone.. lol
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Yay!!! It's a go!!Compatible smart watch!!! Success!!!