Photos not displaying

drez63's Avatar
On my screen none of the showcase photos are appearing....only a red "x"....when I l click on the x i get the photo.....anything I can do to fix it?
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 02-14-2010, 10:10 AM
Good.....I'm just glad to see that it isn't just my 'puter that it is happenin' on which means there's something in the site's software (or at least it's more likely that it's the site and not my 'puter).....
Are you sure that none of the showcase photos are showing?

Maybe you meant to say that none of the little thumbnails in the featured showcase area and new showcases block are showing?

If that's what you meant, then you are correct. They are currently being rebuilt. We'll have them back for you soon, my friend. I miss them too!

St. C
drez63's Avatar
yes i meant the tbumbnails.....thanks i wont worry then....
No wonder my phone is not ringing!