
So I'm riding trains yesterday and my mind kept going back to this scene. The other passengers probably wondered why I was smiling!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Baloney Pony's Avatar
So I'm riding trains yesterday and my mind kept going back to this scene. The other passengers probably wondered why I was smiling!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
The link doesn't work:

"The URL contained a malformed video ID"
gman45's Avatar
No workie!!!!!!
oops, blonde moment! Try this one!
[nomedia=""]YouTube- RISKY TRAIN RIDE[/nomedia]

rekcaSxT's Avatar
That video makes me think of 2 things.

1. How much I miss Chicago
2. In The Air Tonight as sung by Mike Tyson in The Hangover.

[ame=""]YouTube- The Hangover - "Did we leave the music on?"[/ame]

Where were you riding a train last night?
nuglet's Avatar
does anyone know what piece of music is played after the Phil Collins "In the air tonight" piece? I really like the rhythmic redundancy ..... But don't recognize it..
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-14-2010, 03:29 PM
Love On A Real Train by Tangerine Dream
nuglet's Avatar
Wow, cool, thanks Carl! gonna go get it right now.
nuglet's Avatar
Just found it. Love on a Real Train by Les Deux Love, Album Ecstacy.
Every time I think of that I get excited!!! That is one of my atf steamy scenes.
Anyone seen the sex scenes in Trueblood? OMG
NipLover's Avatar
"So Joel, I hear you like choo choo's." - Guido The Pimp
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I hadn't watched Riskey Business in a long time. You posting this made me want to watch it. I forgot what a good movie it is.

You kinda look like Rebecca De Mornay, but curvier. I need to meet you sometime, maybe we can re-enact some of the movie...
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Every time I think of that I get excited!!! That is one of my atf steamy scenes.
Anyone seen the sex scenes in Trueblood? OMG Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Which ones? There's allot of freaky deaky going-on in that show. Hell, I think the first few episodes had a demonic, S&M scene, where the vampires head would move all fast, only to stare into the camera... freaked me out.
dookiexp's Avatar
Phil Collins is a genius! The scene was pretty good also
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
LOVE that movie -- especially that scene.