Stossel is the Fing MAN

LovingKayla's Avatar
I do believe it's tonight he's doing his pro prostitution bit on FOX (look up the time for central.)

HOWEVER THAT DUNCE BAG Harry Reid is blabbing about making it illegal in Nevada. It's getting very interesting out there. Guys and gals, it's time to triple up on security. But seriously, you have gotta see the bit John Stossel does on prostitution.
I googled and will post two interesting highlights:

..."I can have the right [to make sexual decisions] about my body," including what Stossel describes as "the right to exploit [her] body for monetary gain." As Stossel pointedly notes, "Football players do it. Boxers do it. Why can't a prostitute?"

Answering the argument from feminists (and from Orrin Hatch) that prostitution is degrading to women, Norma Jean Almodovar notes that not very many women "would choose to scrub toilets for a living. Nevertheless, because a lot of people might think that's degrading, we don't put them in jail."
Oh yea, all the moralist Do-Gooders want to legislate morality into our future. Sieg Hiel to our socialist liberals ! Bloody arrogant hypocrits.

Harry Reid ! Sheesh, now there is a moronic, opportunistic curmudgeon. Or Douche Bag. Yea, thats it. He might want to simply outlaw upselling from his Vegas girls. That would help us all. And dont think for a minute some of that money hasn't benefitted his re-election campaign troughs.

A woman can do what she wants with her body. Its between her and the imaginary god in her mind.

Stossel can make a pretty good arguement. I look forward to veiwing this segment.

America has been and always should be about personal liberty, freedom of expression, and liberation from tyranny. Fucking is freedom. Cumming is personal liberty. And making some pin money is liberation from tyranny ! And it keeps tax revenues out of their outstandingly selfish programs.
pmdelites's Avatar
Oh yea, all the moralist Do-Gooders want to legislate morality into our future. Sieg Hiel to our socialist liberals ! Bloody arrogant hypocrits.

Harry Reid ! Sheesh, now there is a moronic, opportunistic curmudgeon. Or Douche Bag. Yea, thats it. He might want to simply outlaw upselling from his Vegas girls. That would help us all. And dont think for a minute some of that money hasn't benefitted his re-election campaign troughs. Originally Posted by crashkopf
much like many issues discussed in the coutnry, instead of thoughtful and rational discussions, there is so much hyperbole and grandstanding that results in a polarization of ideas and people. and prostitution is not immune to that tactic.

however, i dont think this has anything to do with socialism, liberalism, or moral righteousness [look at all the elected officials who have been caught with their hand in the sexual cookie jar, going all the way back to JFK and Ted Kennedy and ever FDR]. while some of those w/ viewpoints have weighed in on the prostitution issue, in this case i think it's probably just harry's pandering to the right so he can get re-elected and get as much as he can while in office.

in any case, i will be out and about meeting folks tonite, so will miss the pgm. guess i should learn how to program my DVR thingy.
notdeadyet's Avatar
The politics of prostitution -- like many other issues -- is simply a matter of someone wanting to make everyone else conform to his/her standards of morality, gender equality or whatever. The Republicans and Democrats are exactly the same -- each wants to run your life, but they want to do it in different ways. I am reminded of a professor's comment that "When someone tells you that they're doing something for your own good, you better watch out."
Iaintliein's Avatar
I've made the comparison to professional athletes many times when discussing the oldest profession. It is one of those rare issues that seems to unite the extreme right (religious right at least) and the extreme left (feminists, for want of a better word).

I find the later group particularly puzzling. It seems that, in their view, it's a woman's body to do with what she will, so long as discarding an embryo is involved, but not her choice if she uses it to feed the children she had the politically incorrect audacity to actually give birth to.

It would be very suspicious if I watched this as I get all news via the web. But John has always been an interesting fellow telling interesting stories. It would be interesting to find any, single human interaction that isn't at some level, exploitation.
BigPurdy's Avatar
Do you think if they could come up with a way to tax the p***y, they would legalize it? If so, maybe a grass roots campaign to fight fire with fire is the answer. Feed that bureaucratic, government machine and get what we want. Ha! Trouble is, we couldn't afford to hobby then.
Bloodhound's Avatar
What program is this on, Fox News or what?
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
LOL!!! I like Stossel and he is right. Prostitution should be decriminalized. I think it's funny that the Women's Rights Left refuse to legislate real choice for a woman's right to choose, much like the R's who think it's immoral to have a choice of sexual freedom. Vote Libertarian!!!
what the hell's Avatar
I can't find it on the program lineup. What station and what time? What is the name of the show it is going to be on?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Fox News? Originally Posted by Bloodhound
now that's funny!
Nitwitboy's Avatar
I did switch to Geico today.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I believe it's FOX Business. I want Stossel soooo badly. You gotta know the guy's a hobbyist.
StarsFanTx's Avatar
and the topic was personal freedom. He talked to several guests including "free staters" that want to move to New Hampshire. Libertarians that want to influence state and local elections in favor of their interests.

Then they talked to Dennis Hoff and Carly Parker from the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. Stossel said that it is a person's right to sell their body for sex. Boxers and Athletes sell their bodies for sport, why not women for much less harm. Hoff also said that the women are independent contractors and some make as much as 800K per year.

He also showed video of Rand Paul grilling a federal offical about toilets and light bulbs.
cardinal's Avatar
Nevada gets a nice 'take' on the legal brothels. So it is already taxed.

Do you think if they could come up with a way to tax the p***y, they would legalize it? If so, maybe a grass roots campaign to fight fire with fire is the answer. Feed that bureaucratic, government machine and get what we want. Ha! Trouble is, we couldn't afford to hobby then. Originally Posted by BigPurdy