POLL please-Morning? lunch? afternoon? evening? swing by?

I really need to know what kind of fun and spontaneous gentlemen I am working with here in DFW. This poll is to find out what time best works for you as far as meeting up. NOT the time of day you like to have "that momemt" cause we may not be able to assist at that time...lol. But schedule wise, what day part is the most efficient with meeting your time restraints? Between work, home, errands, etc. Swing by simply means you may be out running errands and want to swing by for ten to fifteen minutes like you would a studio. Feel free to also post comments regarding your preference. I believe this wiil help many of the ladies. (especially newbies on scheduling times) Help ME to help YOU!!!

Thanks in advance

This is weekdays only, what is your preference?

Morning-6am -10am
Lunchtime-11am -2pm
Afternoon- 2pm-8pm
Evening- 8pm -2am
Swing by-last minute /anytime.
pmdelites's Avatar

i selected three checkboxes - lunch, afternoon, evening.

however, for me, i'd rather visit a woman after 7pm or on weekends. but i dont get to do that very much as my availability during those hrs is very limited.

so i mostly play during mid-day and that would be my main preference for now.
Numbersboy's Avatar
Meeting early morning before work is always nice ...
bkat6049's Avatar
The earlier, the better for me!!!!