
It takes a lot to make me angry. I am a very gentle and kind man, a quiet soul, if you will.

But Motherfucking squirrels have invaded my attic!

Nawed through the shingles in several spots to have easy comings and goings.

Then this one bold-ass vermin planted his self on my skylight above the shower - I'm in there showering, hear a thunk up above..., look up, and see his lilly white underbelly spread eagle. Son-of-a bitch! I'll be damned if I'm going to PAY to live in a house and have to see squirrel dick when I'm enjoying a hot shower!!!!!!

Anyone got the "best practice" for ridding my house of these furry free-loaders? Do I seal up the holes first, or trap first, or what? Hopefully some home remedies that won't dig into my hobby budget? Shit, it really pisses me off to think that I'm going to miss out on some DD-motorboatn' because I have to shell out for varmint-damage.

There's got to be an exterminator or animal removal guru among us, right? I need your help! All ideas welcome.

I'm thinking 12-gauge right about now. (For the squirrels, not me.) Not yet, anyway.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
My best friend just spent 1500 riding and repairing her attic of them. I recomend the 12gauge lol jk sorry your dealing with that as it's a pain !
TechOne's Avatar
Not "Billy the Exterminator" but I have also had problems with squirrels and raccoons in the attics of the last three houses I have owned. One was cypress and they loved all the bugs in the wood. DO NOT patch the holes until you are sure they are OUT. Once bought repellant at Farmers Assn, worked just okay. Old farmer told me to spread hair around, that worked better, but best is just scaring them out, during the morning hours and patching the holes to keep them out, then spraying repellant all over the area outside. While I was scaring them out, I stapled panty hose over the holes, two ran into the leg and just had to hang there in the nylon, until I was satisfied they were all out. Also enjoyed several days of sitting in the backyard with a high-powered pellet gun and killing hundreds of them during a two week period. Used aluminum sheets under the siding to keep them from chewing through the cypress siding anywhere else and getting in. They still kept chewing new holes, but never got in again. Lots of work, lots of time, lots of money to fix this issue. Good luck, I don't envy your task ahead.

Funny story during this process: Threw a firecracker into the corner of the attic to scare them out faster. Missed the corner, hit the rafter, exploded in the insulation: cellulose, started to smoke and smolder, grabbed an ash bucket and quickly gathered up sparks. An hour later, all smoke gone, thought I had it out, learned not to throw firecrackers into the attic. What an IDIOT!

OVER A YEAR LATER: Hired company to vacuum all cellulose out of attic and replace with new material. When the guy hit the spot where the firecracker landed, immediately sucked up smoldering sparks and started a fire in the waste container in the truck! No one could believe that the sparks lived for that long, but there was a blackened and charred circle between the joists when we examined the area after the fire was out!

Cellulose should be removed from all attics, and of course, IDIOTS should not be allowed to throw firecrackers around the attic! I damned near burned my house down: TWICE! WHAT AN IDIOT!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Now thats just funny Giteneny!!
  • jaxar
  • 03-26-2011, 10:36 AM

Have dealt with this problem before, a pellet gun works great. They're not very accurate at a long distance, so you have to get as close as you can to the squirrel, aim for the head..And get them all out before you patch up the holes.
TechOne's Avatar
Now thats just funny Giteneny!!
Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I can't believe you found this photo, but I think I would have shoved it in the other end and blown his ass to smitherines! (sounds like a branch of the armed forces...the army, the navy and the smitherines) George Carlin jokes. Why are they always plural? Can't you be the first on scene after the explosion and catch the first smitherine? We americans are so perverted with our english. Why do they call them apartments if they are all built together? Why does the airline call it a non-stop flight, when it does stop, preferably at your destination?

okay, I'll shut up now!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Send in the armed forces if want the job done right