Woman fired over her past porn job

pickupkid's Avatar
Fair, story is part of her PR plan, which I think is a good plan. She is showing the public that she has changed, of course she conveniently blames her ex husband for HER bad decision. I see that as not good. Also do not want a porn star to be my daughter's idol or mentor.

I admire that she changed her life and I would admire her much much more if she took responsibility for HER bad decision. She did not.

So, do we allow convicted felons to teach our children? A drug dealer that is trying to turn a new leaf? Would not get my vote for a teacher.

If this woman has changed she would accept the consequences of her past and move on. Because she does not accept them and blames others says a lot to me. She would understand parents might be concerned trusting their young children to her care. She can be a professor instead of elementary school. She needs to learn it is about what is best for the kids instead of what she wants.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Life isn't fair.

I'm also very active in the webcamming community. It has been said over and over and over that if you wish to become a teacher, DO NOT sign up to be a webcam girl. There are clauses in the licensing process that speak of moral turpitude, etc.

Heck, if you get convicted for Prostitution, you can't even be a hairdresser for 5 years.

There are consequences for working in the adult industry... that is one of the reasons why it pays well.
Contralto's Avatar
Life isn't fair.
There are consequences for working in the adult industry... that is one of the reasons why it pays well. Originally Posted by GracePreston
oilman12's Avatar
So did she give good head, greek lover? Where are the vids
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-08-2017, 09:36 AM
So in a related question: should a guy who went to a XXX movie as a 19 y/o be fired from his job as a teacher 10 years later? Is there a fundamental difference between acting in a film and paying the actor (indirectly), thus supporting their activities?

I find the double standard in this community to be both hypocritical and wrong--but sadly, not surprising.

To equate a FORMER (10 years back) porn star to a drug dealer is something I think borders on laughable. To me they are not even close to comparable offenses. If her work as a teacher has been exemplary, and she has done nothing to bring her former work into the current environment, then I think the firing is wrong. I love how the moralist Thumpers keep forgetting the whole part of the bible that talks forgiveness and redemption. As if Paul had never been Saul.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Don't get me wrong, Old-T. Its horseshit.

But-- most of us know and accept the risks going into this.

Another way to look at it-- if a provider gets arrested... she is excluded from a wide variety of career options, most of them for life. No redemption allowed. This woman could have easily gone into any number of fields and been fine-- but she chose one of the few where her past could impact her.
I think the difference is that it is on film. If a guy has a video of him jacking off to a porno floating around the internet I believe he would be fired also.

So in a related question: should a guy who went to a XXX movie as a 19 y/o be fired from his job as a teacher 10 years later? Is there a fundamental difference between acting in a film and paying the actor (indirectly), thus supporting their activities?

I find the double standard in this community to be both hypocritical and wrong--but sadly, not surprising.

To equate a FORMER (10 years back) porn star to a drug dealer is something I think borders on laughable. To me they are not even close to comparable offenses. If her work as a teacher has been exemplary, and she has done nothing to bring her former work into the current environment, then I think the firing is wrong. I love how the moralist Thumpers keep forgetting the whole part of the bible that talks forgiveness and redemption. As if Paul had never been Saul.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T I respect your opinion but iw see hypocrisy in your statement. Why is one illegal activity any different than another. If you profess it is okay for two consenting adults to have sex for money, why is not okay for two cpnsenting adults to sell or purchase a product. No one forced either person to sell nor to buy. So, why after ten years can a salesman not be a teacher but a porn star can. Can a person not do with his own body as he or she sees fit. I thought that was the basic concept of prostitution being okay. Well, if a person decides to put alcohol or other things in his or body is that not okay too. It is only okay because Old-T wants pussy so a girl putting his penis in their body is okay but no other substance.

The two careers very comparable, both are shunned by society, both considered immoral by majority. Both have consenting adults, both have life long consequences for particiants. And both fields of sex and illicits usually and more often coexist a very rare few in the sex industry only have that single cross to carry. Illicit activities run rampant in sex industry or are people that far deep in denial.

Again, all respect just thought you were more open minded. I do not want felons teaching my young kids nor do I want past sex workers. No disrespect to any of those people. Just not elementary teacher material, my two cents.
bamscram's Avatar
She is probably safer teaching young men than some 20 year old we see so often who screws a 17 year old student, get knocked up and they want to marry.
Probably her ex husband who was the anonymous person from the article.
Brookpwa's Avatar
I understand why they fired her however I disagree. I wonder if she told them about her past,if they had been aware perhaps she would have her job. Now if I was her I would lawyer up. The message I take by Disd firing her is people cant change. So if people cant change then why have probation,rehabs, drug court,HO court,anger management,etc.? Maybe we should get rid of all court programs cause people cant change. That would put many professionals out of work. Then they may make some poor choices and should be punished till eternity.That would be wrong. Right? People can and do change. Nobody should be punished by an employer for something they did 20 years ago.Unless It was a person caring for child/and or disabled/elderly person. And they have been convicted of that crime. I would like to think that perhaps if they had already known about her past because she was honest about it....she would still have her job. After all people can and do change.
ck1942's Avatar
Basic to the issue this former porn star has is

who outed her???

Otherwise disd would never have known.

My vote for the outer is likely her ex.

Should her background be an employment issue?

Yes, especially if she had a conviction in court and did not disclose.

No, if no criminal charges, nor, for that matter, no morality issues when whe intereviewed for the post.

And, considering she has very clean educational employment record, if she sues DISD and I was a juror, I'd vote to award her big bucks.

But, unless her employment contract forbids "discharge at will" which is state law, likely she will be in court to try and collect some damages, and,

very likely if she applies at any school district, her past will catch up to her at internet speed!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-08-2017, 05:24 PM
Don't get me wrong, Old-T. Its horseshit.

But-- most of us know and accept the risks going into this.

Another way to look at it-- if a provider gets arrested... she is excluded from a wide variety of career options, most of them for life. No redemption allowed. This woman could have easily gone into any number of fields and been fine-- but she chose one of the few where her past could impact her. Originally Posted by GracePreston
I fully understand that she IS excluded from many jobs, I just think that is unjustifiable morality thumping in situations as explained in this case.

I think the difference is that it is on film. If a guy has a video of him jacking off to a porno floating around the internet I believe he would be fired also. Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
Again, from the point of view "is it right" I see no difference whether it was on film or not.

Old-T I respect your opinion but iw see hypocrisy in your statement. Why is one illegal activity any different than another. If you profess it is okay for two consenting adults to have sex for money, why is not okay for two cpnsenting adults to sell or purchase a product. No one forced either person to sell nor to buy. So, why after ten years can a salesman not be a teacher but a porn star can. Can a person not do with his own body as he or she sees fit. I thought that was the basic concept of prostitution being okay. Well, if a person decides to put alcohol or other things in his or body is that not okay too. It is only okay because Old-T wants pussy so a girl putting his penis in their body is okay but no other substance.

The two careers very comparable, both are shunned by society, both considered immoral by majority. Both have consenting adults, both have life long consequences for particiants. And both fields of sex and illicits usually and more often coexist a very rare few in the sex industry only have that single cross to carry. Illicit activities run rampant in sex industry or are people that far deep in denial.

Again, all respect just thought you were more open minded. I do not want felons teaching my young kids nor do I want past sex workers. No disrespect to any of those people. Just not elementary teacher material, my two cents. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
I would much rather have a past sex worker teaching kids than a drug dealer (not talking past users, but dealers). Why? Because I do accept consensual sex work as a victim-less crime, but I do not feel the same way about many hard drugs. I have seen far too many drug dealers intentionally turn customers into addict, and unintentionally into DOA OD victims. Obviously there are a lot of shades of gray, but in general I see far fewer situations where a client is permanently and severely damaged from sex. That is why I do not equate the two.

The fact that the two things do often intersect does not in my mind mean one inherently makes the other wrong. I see it very similar to an agency owner vs a pimp-like one--the violence and threats of a pimp do not make the advertising/scheduling/screening activities of a "honest" agency owner wrong.

We could debate and discuss this for quite some time over a cup of coffee or a beer and I would suspect at the end we would agree to disagree. I do appreciate the reasoned and civil way you expressed your perspective. Thank you.

Probably her ex husband who was the anonymous person from the article. Originally Posted by Stockinglover
I would be willing to wager a healthy sum that it was her ex, or someone close to him.
I understand why they fired her however I disagree. I wonder if she told them about her past,if they had been aware perhaps she would have her job. Now if I was her I would lawyer up. The message I take by Disd firing her is people cant change. So if people cant change then why have probation,rehabs, drug court,HO court,anger management,etc.? Maybe we should get rid of all court programs cause people cant change. That would put many professionals out of work. Then they may make some poor choices and should be punished till eternity.That would be wrong. Right? People can and do change. Nobody should be punished by an employer for something they did 20 years ago.Unless It was a person caring for child/and or disabled/elderly person. And they have been convicted of that crime. I would like to think that perhaps if they had already known about her past because she was honest about it....she would still have her job. After all people can and do change. Originally Posted by Brookpwa
I agree with your post, but I believe Texas is a right-to-work state. If that's the case there's not much a lawyer can do for her.