the forgotten hero of SC

VitaMan's Avatar
Here is the forgotten hero of SC. He increased our US debt by 6 trillion dollars.
FDR only needed to increase US debt by 200 million to fight the entire World War 2

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I prefer the more accurate caption which is:

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You'll make a thread about a dude. I was working a strip club and I happened to walk in VIP and a guy had a strippers socks and panties in his mouth and she was slapping the shit out of him and calling him every name in the book. Some of you'll are some weird mofos, but hey do you, but guys who have nuts and don't wear panties do not make a thread about a dude. Sistine chapel is a okay with me and I personally like his commentary. Do you'll think about Sistine chapel while having sex. Weird dudes.....
You'll make a thread about a dude. I was working a strip club and I happened to walk in VIP and a guy had a strippers socks and panties in his mouth and she was slapping the shit out of him and calling him every name in the book. Some of you'll are some weird mofos, but hey do you, but guys who have nuts and don't wear panties do not make a thread about a dude. Sistine chapel is a okay with me and I personally like his commentary. Do you'll think about Sistine chapel while having sex. Weird dudes..... Originally Posted by shinepro
Dafuq? Give me some of that mindbender you are on.
VitaMan's Avatar
I believe 1 trillion is 1,000 million. Obama years gave us 6 times that in debt
lizardking's Avatar
One trillion is 1000 BILLION. One billion is 1000 million.

As long as we spend money we don't have and refuse to raise taxes, debt will grow. Now, how do you want to spend that money? Guns or butter?

The more shit we stir up in the world, the more money we spend on guns to protect ourselves from "threats", real or imagined. Perhaps if we stopped fucking around in other people's business, we wouldn't have to spend so much on so-called defense. This is nothing new. Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. Take a look at lobbying and campaign contribution data. Ask yourself why the biggest defense contractors invariably support the most hawkish candidates, regardless of party.

Lucius Cassius asked "Cui bono?" Cicero understood it. Lenin understood it. Even The Dude his own self understood it.

Conservatives complain about wasting public treasure on welfare, medicaid, and food stamps, but they seem to find nothing wrong with fat cats lining their pockets with tax dollars spent recklessly on one new arms system after another, including some the Pentagon doesn't even want or need.

Obama inherited two foolish wars and high unemployment. He did nothing about the former. In fact, there's a solid argument that he made them worse, and perhaps a better argument that he's a war criminal by virtue of his relentless murder-by-drone policies. However, he did a great deal to improve the latter, and that cost money.
VitaMan's Avatar
So that would be a million million. Times 6. That is 30 times what it cost to fight the entire world war 2.

No wonder they just put that business professor Dan Horsky in jail for not paying taxes using offshore bank accounts. Gotta get the money somehow.
Oralist's Avatar
I prefer the more accurate caption which is:

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Don't know about the building, but my 401K is definitely on fire! Check yours lately?
Wakeup's Avatar
I believe 1 trillion is 1,000 million. Obama years gave us 6 times that in debt Originally Posted by VitaMan
So that would be a million million. Times 6. That is 30 times what it cost to fight the entire world war 2. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Please stop with your fucked up makes my head hurt. They have these things called calculators...they help people like you not look like fucking idiots...might want to look into one...

VitaMan's Avatar
My calculator doesn't have enough zeros.......but I don't work for the government.
Wakeup's Avatar
Then you probably might want to refrain from even trying...just sayin'...
VitaMan's Avatar
Thanks for your input.
Wakeup's Avatar
You're welcome...always looking out for the mentally challenged around can be a full time job if I let it...
VitaMan's Avatar
Yep......don't let the burden of phantom mod responsibilities get you down