How do you post pics so they can't be copied?

Strange question I know but I'm trying to find a way to post a pic so it can't be copied like providers have on their showcases. In other words, on a provider's showcase, the pic can't be copied/right clicked/or manipulated in any way. It's a cool trick and I want to use that technique on some pics for other purposes other than Eccie. Don't want the pics copied or stolen.
I work in IT, so I can tell you how its done.

Short Answer: You use a script that disables right clicking. Paste the script from the link on your site and users can no longer right click an image to save it. This will stop most users.

If you want the pop-up effect like then add this other script called Lytebox.

Long Answer: Any image that can be downloaded by your browser can also be saved locally. Theres multiple ways, ex: intercepting the network request, disabling Javascript, etc. So don't use this for anything you really don't want to be copied or stolen. To prevent theft of images consider using a watermark, so others can at least recognize the source of the stolen image.
Thanks for the answers, appreciated!

Long story short, I'm trying to help someone post some pics and they want to try to keep them from getting downloaded. What you laid out will do the trick, thanks!