I am watching "All In With Cris Hayes" on MSNBC right now. Unbelievable!!

They are having a Open Forum discussion, a town hall format.

These people are brain dead. The drug dealers, pimps, thugs, and "Dindunuffins" could give a shit less about what this bunch of naive Liberal/Socialist/Progressive think, or what they are even going to do.

This bunch has been in charge in Chicago for decades. They have embraced the concept of LBJ's "Great Society" and implemented it to the fullest degree.

They are reaping what they have sown, and are too Fukin stupid to realize it.

They all have one thing in common, though. They all hate President Trump. How dare the President hint that the Federal Government might have to intervene.

Keep going. Keep electing the same corrupt poverty pimps, keep blaming everybody else.

Keep dying.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Could you PLEASE try and spell the fucking words right, you illiterate redneck shit?

Jesus fucking Christ, your posts are fucking ignorant.

Or is THAT part of your persona, Jackie?

Maybe it'll help you get into heaven in the NEW AMERIKA!!!

You get no more passes for ignorance, dipshit. ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER!!!

Could you PLEASE try and spell the fucking words right, you illiterate redneck shit? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Oh my my, we must use proper King's English around assup. He gets very upset when others use improper verb conjugations and spelling errors. Assplug needs to point this out to avoid confronting how insane his pathetic demoncrack party has become.
You know, assplug, is a junior associate in the sanitation engineering department at a local JuCo.

Very smarkst!!!
  • DSK
  • 02-10-2017, 08:43 PM
Could you PLEASE try and spell the fucking words right, you illiterate redneck shit?

Jesus fucking Christ, your posts are fucking ignorant.

Or is THAT part of your persona, Jackie?

Maybe it'll help you get into heaven in the NEW AMERIKA!!!

You get no more passes for ignorance, dipshit. ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How can you attempt to claim any high moral ground when you are so relentlessly hateful and mean spirited to your fellow Americans?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
To quote another great Israeli-American: "Fuck you faggot!"

One of the biggest disappointments in this hour long charade was the Chicago Police Chief, Garry McCarthy. He actually said that the news media blows the crime rate out of proportion, as the majority of neighborhoods in the metro area were unaffected by the murders, rapes, drug dealers, and thuggish behavior of a few.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You didn't have a date, professor?
LexusLover's Avatar
One of the biggest disappointments in this hour long charade was the Chicago Police Chief, Garry McCarthy. He actually said that the news media blows the crime rate out of proportion, as the majority of neighborhoods in the metro area were unaffected by the murders, rapes, drug dealers, and thuggish behavior of a few. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I guess he's referencing the predominantly White neighborhoods.

Where the Obaminable's lived?
He is the expert
Oh my my, we must use proper King's English around assup. He gets very upset when others use improper verb conjugations and spelling errors. Assplug needs to point this out to avoid confronting how insane his pathetic demoncrack party has become. Originally Posted by Muscleup
But will the Austin gloryhole guru be so upset the next time his fellow POS lying liberal ,fisting chapped ass, uses the word " AXE " in a ghetto-ese laced rant on here ?
You know, assplug, is a junior associate in the sanitation engineering department at a local JuCo.

Very smarkst!!! Originally Posted by Muscleup
Reckon it upsets him as much when he sees misspelled words scrawled on the walls of the bathroom stalls at the JuCo or his Austin area gloryholes ?
I guess he's referencing the predominantly White neighborhoods.

Where the Obaminable's lived? Originally Posted by LexusLover
liberals want to abort them and now it seems they see no problem in letting the survivors pick off each other, long as its just them

hey, whats the difference?
LexusLover's Avatar
liberals want to abort them and now it seems they see no problem in letting the survivors pick off each other, long as its just them

hey, whats the difference? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The "clean up"!

After the Liberals allow in the rest of the 1.5 BILLION Muslims into the Unites States of Islam..

.. they can vote in a "two-fer" taxpayer-paid procedure ...

Special-Mandatory: Abortion and pussy mutilation.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-11-2017, 10:20 AM
Could you PLEASE try and spell the fucking words right, you illiterate redneck shit?

Jesus fucking Christ, your posts are fucking ignorant.

Or is THAT part of your persona, Jackie?

Maybe it'll help you get into heaven in the NEW AMERIKA!!!

You get no more passes for ignorance, dipshit. ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER!!!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I totally understand why you hate Jackie. Unlike you he is a successful happy business man.