Lately. I don't know if the chicken came before the egg or whatever. I'm pretty sure some guys are putting up with bad behavior and more and more whore's think it's okay to cross boundaries but it's not okay with me to....
- Don't fucking order us around like some kind of submissive or victimized sexual circus donkey. Don't tell us how early to be sitting somewhere waiting on a call or where to park. Don't tell us how to dress or how to handle our personal hygiene. Do not ever look for a donation without the common decency of a proper greeting and a little affection being shown. If you don't like what you see, smell or taste simply ask the guy to leave rather than whining about it later.
- We are NOT all submissive. We do not like being out of control. Do not short us on time or fall short of anything but a top notch performance. Expect your donation when you have performed to expectations. Not before & don't try to switch it up. Remember YOU are being paid for a service so after a good cock sucking you are expected to put the condom on in a manner designed to preserve the mood. Do NOT try to take advantage of our state of mind to take a bare ride looking for a meal ticket to a better life.... That shit don't work with many....
- For the ladies we've seen and repeated... thank you all for being respectful of our time, being clean and smelling fresh and for taking the time to dress in a manner you know will be appreciated. A beautiful attentive woman makes us feel good about our hard earned money being spent on you!
A few of you whores need to remember your place... You need to show some appreciation that from the many choices YOU were selected for that hour or too. You chose to be a whore.... Be the best damn whore you can be
We put up with a lot of your shit. The money we spend on you comes from our hard work and we are usually looking to relive stress more than anything so provide a stress free experience and environment for us to do so.
Okay thank you.
This Public Service Announcement is now over.
Back to your regularly scheduled coed program!
OMG... I needed to get that out!
Thanks for reading!