Lurkers...come out, come out wherever you are

Okay so over the years I've been contacted by a lot of "lurkers". To me a lurker is someone is active in the hobby but doesn't post much...if at all.

Whenever we have visiting ladies I ask them "so, how is your trip coming?" and I get told by just about everyone of them...most of the appointments are from "lurkers"

So I thought I'd take the opportunity to invite y'all to come on out and say...hello, get to know the rest of the community. We really are a great group of people and most don't bite...hard.

I'll nut-up and say 'Howdy' to all...

I've met and talked to several guys and glas from this site, but just prefer to keep a low profile.

Good luck getting responses LAP, as I'm guessing most people who lurk do so for a reason and may not want to change that.
I'm a former lurker trying to mend my ways. But I still ain't up to snuff when compared to some *others*, who shall remain unnamed.
LAP speaks truth, we love lurkers. Really.
In my experience most appointments are lurkers, period. It was always that way when I lived in SA, it was that way when I traveled, it's that way now in CC. There's a few extremely enjoyable exceptions, though.

Shush, Greyhound. You're very up to snuff. So sez I.
FishFlats's Avatar
can lurking make you go blind ?
caholic's Avatar
Ive been a lurker for years on a previous site. Dont know why...I really enjoy reading a lot of the posts here. I do see some of the providers that travel here and have seen most of the local talent. Just reguistered on this new site so maybe its time to make a change and start posting some more.
tradermac75's Avatar
Hmmm, I have premium access but definitely fall into the definition of lurker, so should I get special status as Premium Lurker? Are there a lot of us around too?
I agree with Olivia... Lurkers are my favorite posters... lol
I know there's a lot of lurkers that will never post for their own personal reasons. My hope was to encourage some of the ones that had some reservations about stepping up and out to come forward and at least say "hello".

If anyone has any concerns about posting...please pm me and I'll help ease those concerns anyway I can.

To all those brave souls that posted above...Welcome and have fun. After all that's what it's about.

berkleigh's Avatar
When I travel to corpus, I can't even go into detail how many lurkers come out from everywhere to book.....please join the community and get screened.............looking forward to my return trip in two weeks!
jughead1171's Avatar
  • killz
  • 02-16-2010, 08:13 AM
hey new to the site been active on the seen with no post till now! so...........HI!!!.........LOL
When I travel to corpus, I can't even go into detail how many lurkers come out from everywhere to book.....please join the community and get screened.............looking forward to my return trip in two weeks! Originally Posted by berkleigh
ditto to berkleigh. it's much easier to screen when you post...even if just occasionally. i like getting a feel for the guy before i meet them.

oh yea, and i guess i'm a bit of a lurker too.

HI =)!!
I too Greyhound.

Nice to see some lurkers peeking their head out (ok no pun intended). I just love when someone gives me their board name, I go to look it up, nothing... Makes me wonder if they are BS'ing me.