squirting is peeing

actionjackson647's Avatar
scientists have figured out that when a woman squirts during sex its actually involuntary peeing...

fun2come's Avatar
Nothing new here ... but boy oh boy will you get some squirted off responses shortly ...
Little Monster's Avatar
Who gives a shit what it is? It's hot as fuck when a woman squirts and that is all there is to it.
DocHolyday's Avatar
And the fun begins. ^^^^^
Silly people

Everybody knows there is no such thing as a female orgasm
El Cid's Avatar
And the fun begins. ^^^^^ Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Mr.BobDabolina's Avatar
Silly people

Everybody knows there is no such thing as a female orgasm Originally Posted by Zhivago52
Lol exactly!
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 02-16-2017, 09:51 PM
I'm with LM, sexy mess.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
There are already numerous threads on this subject but here is other info...

So What Is Squirting?

Squirting, or female ejaculation as it's often called, happens when you expel fluid through your paraurethral ducts which are located near the entrance of your vagina. This fluid is usually clear in color and does not come from your bladder, but instead comes from your Skene's gland. This gland is very similar to the male prostate and the fluid that it generates, that you squirt out, is similar to male prostatic fluid too.

The Skene's gland is located just above your G-spot. As it enlarges, it pushes on your G-spot making it more sensitive and pleasurable to have stimulated.

To make your Skene's gland enlarge, you need to turn yourself on and get aroused. It doesn't happen instantly, so it's best to give yourself at least 20 minutes of getting yourself horny and aroused before attempting to stimulate it. A great way to do this is through reading erotica or even using a vibrator on yourself.

In many ways, the Skene's gland is like a sponge. As you get more and more aroused, it soaks up more and more fluid.
Having been with a girlfriend who loved to play pee games, and who also had the ability to squirt ..... I concur with the information Tammie just posted ..... I have had the pleasure of tasting both and they are two very different liquids ..... for one, the consistency (and taste) are quite different ..... the female ejaculation is clearer, having the color and the consistency, of baby oil ..... it's not that greasy of course but it is much thicker than pee, and the taste is nowhere near the same .....
Treetop78759's Avatar
That's almost as much fake news as after a Trump press conference. Do you work for CNN lier? There is no such thing as squirting anything other then piss. There is no such thing as a Skene gland. Ever been deer hunting during the rut? Same thing. OO never had a GF that squirts. In fact, he has never even had a GF. Why don't you take Geritol anymore? Because you will squirt a glowing laser beam of piss.

Well if what you say is true, then the website listed in the OP's thread is a lie, because in it THEY admit that there is indeed a Skene gland ..... guess it just goes to show that you can always have different websites claiming different opinions on a subject ..... so which one are you going to believe? .....
And by the way, have you actually looked at that website you posted? ..... Product catalog? ..... window and door manufacturers? .....Replacement hardware? ..... Technical support? ..... WTF is this site exactly? .....
This would be a great episode for Myth Busters.