Beta: Your input and comments are welcome
- Open format
- realtime updates
- optional photo verification
- custom News Notice ( list special, short visit, Mile High Notice, etc...)
- Mobile Friendly
- Automatic Online help checker to fill out required fields(help to try remove some of the guess work)
- List City and Tour City for Traveling Providers w/o editing the whole ad update only the important stuff.
See the 0 Sample Ad for example of how a profile can evolve. Followers don't have to hunt down Stats with the easy to locate About, Contact and General information area.
With 4 sections: Intro, Bography, Details and Reviews by followers, Clients and friends.
No Ad length limts, but remember, most hobbiers aren't wanting to read a novel. LOL

Add your weblink in profile and text URL in any section. (no html supported and will be automatically removed)
Bio Photo and up to 5 photos w/o captions.