What if he has a heart attack...

Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
in the middle of a session?
Morbid thought today, what should a provider do if Henry Hobbyist comes and goes at the same time?
Probably an urban legend but I got a laugh out of the story about a trick kicking the bucket mid-session at a studio in Frisco and the girls dressing him, putting him back in his car and parking the car at a nearby steak house. This would make a great reality TV version of Weekend at Bernie's.
Hercules's Avatar
Knew a lady (retired now) that this happened too. She had CPR training and did so until the EMTs arrived. Poor devil didn't make it. Nothing (legal-wise) happened to her. Although she was a nervous wreck for a while. I imagine the story given to his family was interesting though.

If any of the ladies are seriously concerned they should look into an AED.
  • grean
  • 02-21-2017, 10:55 AM
I think Kayleehotchic said something like that happened to her.

As a test, providers should have 2nd floor apartments that require a hobbiest to go up. If you can't even make it up the stairs, you can't have a heart attack while fucking a hooker who lives on the second floor.

Or from a different perspective, you might have a heart attack either way. You were able to make it up the stairs however, those were just enough put your heart over the edge once you start fucking.

Now she has to carry a dead gut down a flight of stairs....

I kid I kid.....

Don't carry him any where... put up your money up and call 911.
i am told that a customer had a cardiac incident at Parkway Therapy.

i am familiar with a former DFW-based TV sports analyst who experienced a cardiac event during an outcall session. the provider remained at his residence for days after and drove his luxury sports car while he was hospitalized and without his permission.
  • Marzz
  • 02-21-2017, 02:07 PM
This discussion reminds me of the movie Dave where the president has a heart attack on top of his secretary.
This isn't a funny situation to be in. It CAN and DOES happen. All providers should get CPR training.

Think about it... a lot of clients are older and/or have illnesses like Heart disease/Hypertension. They take a variety of meds daily. Add to the mix sex and a Viagra/Cialis type drug...It's a tricky cocktail that can turn deadly.

I've had a similar situation and it's not something I care to repeat. Thankfully old fashioned CPR does work in some cases. My guy lived to tell the story.

If this does happen, you have no choice but to call 911 and start CPR.

I suggest if you see a regular provider and you have medical issues, have a discussion about events like this.
Explain to them how you would like things handled. in the event of an emergency. Guys be sure to keep family contact numbers in your wallet along with medical history and a list of medications.
lgbsfu's Avatar
Put me in my truck and park it in a McDonalds lot
with a double Quarter pounder, fries and a chocolat
shake in my lap.
hornsfan4life's Avatar
Put me in my truck and park it in a McDonalds lot
with a double Quarter pounder, fries and a chocolat
shake in my lap. Originally Posted by lgbsfu
Lmao! Dude you made my day! Hilarious!
rexdutchman's Avatar
A warning to all the ladies: After I cum, I look dead. Give me a minute and I will slowly come back to life.
Any ladies interested I would be more than happy to train you in CPR and AED