Milo. Anyone?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have mixed feelings about this troll, Milo something.

He reminds me of the days that I used to go to dance clubs when I was in my 20's. The gay guys were the best ones to hang out with and well, dance or get into trouble with.

Adorably cute. A lot of fun to go out with.

And most of them were absolutely fractured and emotional messes.

So this Milo person reminds me of that. Partying types. Young. Many of you will know what I'm trying to convey.

More filled with (fill in the blank) than common sense.

Sortof surprised he hasn't already been brought up by this group.

While discussing the past few days of news concerning him, we will have to be rather circumspect with what we write, alright?

Now. Go!!!

I have mixed feelings about this troll, Milo something.

He reminds me of the days that I used to go to dance clubs when I was in my 20's. The gay guys were the best ones to hang out with and well, dance or get into trouble with.

Adorably cute. A lot of fun to go out with.

And most of them were absolutely fractured and emotional messes.

So this Milo person reminds me of that. Partying types. Young. Many of you will know what I'm trying to convey.

More filled with (fill in the blank) than common sense.

Sortof surprised he hasn't already been brought up by this group.

While discussing the past few days of news concerning him, we will have to be rather circumspect with what we write, alright?

Now. Go!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
asswipe this thread has your name written all over it since it is about the type of people you hang with in Austin
bambino's Avatar
asswipe this thread has your name written all over it since it is about the type of people you hang with in Austin Originally Posted by gary5912
I would think anyone who actually has met Asswipe would not want to be near him, including gays. Asswipe is better hidden behind the glory hole.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
asswipe this thread has your name written all over it since it is about the type of people you hang with in Austin Originally Posted by gary5912
I really wish that this forum wasn't always going back and forth and degregating others just for forming opinions different than your own ... and I don't mean specially YOU, gary .. just in general.

This forum doesn't always have to seem to vulgar. Could just be discussions, right?

When I saw him on Bill Mahar last Friday, I rolled my eyes. His statements were just so over the top.

Also, because I've known men like him, I figured he would implode soon enough but I didn't know that it would happen so quickly.

But I also have a feeling that he'll fluff right back up from this past week. lol

I've known of Milo Yiannopoulos for some time now.

Per my eldest child's suggestion, I tuned in to one of Blonde in the Belly of the Beast podcasts a year ago; it was there I first heard of him. (Rebecca, aka the Blonde, has some interesting thoughts / opinions for a young be sure, she's not for everyone, but I think (a) she's pretty damned cute, (b) educated and articulate and (c) she loves exposing the Muslim threat to the Western World amongst other things.

Anyways, some of you may know of Milo's most recent US college tour (the Univ of Washington lecture was disrupted by protesters...then a week+ later the Cal-Berkley clash took place). Many, who absolutely despise him, refer to him as the "fabulous supervillain" least, that's one of the kindest names he's been called from what I can tell).
bambino's Avatar
I have mixed feelings about this troll, Milo something.

He reminds me of the days that I used to go to dance clubs when I was in my 20's. The gay guys were the best ones to hang out with and well, dance or get into trouble with.

Adorably cute. A lot of fun to go out with.

And most of them were absolutely fractured and emotional messes.

So this Milo person reminds me of that. Partying types. Young. Many of you will know what I'm trying to convey.

More filled with (fill in the blank) than common sense.

Sortof surprised he hasn't already been brought up by this group.

While discussing the past few days of news concerning him, we will have to be rather circumspect with what we write, alright?

Now. Go!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Most of us haven't had the same experiences with gay guys as you. We were looking do dance with chicks, not gay guys,but I hear what you're saying. I knew a provider that would go on cruises with a gay guy. She wanted to relax and not be bothered by horny straight guys. Her gay friend provided her with a shield. As for Milo, I guess he went too far. Oh well.
There are certain subjects that, if brought up, you don't ever, for even one millisecond, act like you might be remotely sympathetic too. This is so taboo that we are not even allowed to mention it on this Web Site.

He did. He's toast.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah fuck that (forbidden topic).

Besides being in your face flamboyant (gotta make you RWWipes feel real comfortable {}, Milo simply contradicted most everything Maher said with rolling eyes, batted eyelashes and outrageous bullshit comebacks. And spouting alt-right stupidity. A true narcissist, in the model of his beloved Twitler, whom he called "fabulous."

His performance on Bill Maher was so annoying, it was obvious that he, like Breitbart's entire organization, has no goal in life other than to troll and disrupt.

Kinda like a lot of YOU!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have mixed feelings about this troll, Milo something.

He reminds me of the days that I used to go to dance clubs when I was in my 20's. The gay guys were the best ones to hang out with and well, dance or get into trouble with.

Adorably cute. A lot of fun to go out with.

And most of them were absolutely fractured and emotional messes.

So this Milo person reminds me of that. Partying types. Young. Many of you will know what I'm trying to convey.

More filled with (fill in the blank) than common sense.

Sortof surprised he hasn't already been brought up by this group.

While discussing the past few days of news concerning him, we will have to be rather circumspect with what we write, alright?

Now. Go!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I've been waiting for the left to figure out what their marching orders were going to be. Milo is a libertarian (so they hates him) but he is gay (so they loves him). Milo is also an immigrant (so they loves him some more) but he is a legal immigrant (so they hates him so much). According to the media Milo is defending something that we can't talk about here (??? where does the left go with this???). How can the left hate Milo when in so many ways he supports what they support? So I've been waiting for the left to decide.

As for being circumspect, when you have closely held values then you know where you stand even if you don't like it. First, we need to find out exactly what Milo said and not listen to what the press or his detractors are saying (they're going to lie after all).

Reading the transcript and watching the video this is not so cut and dried. Milo articulated a position held by several liberals that statutory rape laws are outdated. Milo talked about emotional and physical maturity of (things we can't talk about). It didn't sound like a blanket statement, it sounded like a case by case situation. I did not hear anything that sounded like a real defense of forced sex (rape). Okay, Milo did NOT defend forcible rape. You know anyone who does besides Bill Clinton? Yes, I went there.
So Milo lost a book deal, his job, and his reputation (?). Hell, he might be more in demand by the left because of these revelations.
I always found Milo to be interesting and funny but he tended to go too far in his descriptions. Watching some of the videos of him on campus, it was really effective in making the left look pretty bad (they're college students after all). I am sure that some of us are old enough to have had conversations with younger relatives who thought that they were all so cool and sophisticated and then we said something that made their jaws drop.

I see the Milo thing to be a done deal now. He resigned. He no longer represents Breitbart and members of Breitbart have repudiated his public statements.
Milo is also an immigrant (so they loves him some more) but he is a legal immigrant (so they hates him so much). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
being from england doesn't count

that isn't being an immigrant to the left

in fact you get demerits for being English

I only know of milo in passing

I see him on tv occasionally

he seems interesting in that funny, provocative and over the top way one might think of gay men in stereotype

anyone that gives hell to the idiotic left has my vote, so without knowing him and exactly what he espouses, that was enough for me, at the level I wanted to know him

the pederasty he foolishly commended seems to me to be from the same well of provocation, out of which any of a myriad of outlandish subjects may pour, that his sort of gay personality cant help but twitter about. it seems it could be not so much he is proposing it but such quickening things merely spring forth from those with his personality, in almost an uncontrollable manner. motivation may be more a matter of being the center of attention than anything; a compulsive gambler or an alcoholic knows the thoughtlessness

and in private company, say at some cocktail party, some might hear people like that talk and see such random statements as provoking and interesting. said in public, or with the aid of an exposing phone camera used surreptiously in a private setting , enemies will pounce
bambino's Avatar
Yeah fuck that (forbidden topic).

Besides being in your face flamboyant (gotta make you RWWipes feel real comfortable {}, Milo simply contradicted most everything Maher said with rolling eyes, batted eyelashes and outrageous bullshit comebacks. And spouting alt-right stupidity. A true narcissist, in the model of his beloved Twitler, whom he called "fabulous."

His performance on Bill Maher was so annoying, it was obvious that he, like Breitbart's entire organization, has no goal in life other than to troll and disrupt.

Kinda like a lot of YOU! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Admit it, you're dying to suck Milo's cock.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You bringing up that Brexit thing again?

Of course, there was that illegal immigrant from England who murdered a California college professor and American citizen. His name was Rowan and it was over 20 years ago.
there was that illegal immigrant from England who murdered a California college professor and American citizen. His name was Rowan and it was over 20 years ago. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
now here, in your post, is to be found much confliction to the left

illegal immigrant = positive points

from England = negative points

a murderer = positive points

killing a college professor = usually negative points unless the professor taught engineering or business or something like that

an American citizen being the victim = on the positive side especially because americans cannot be victims, they deserve what they get

the name rowan, if a first name = usually positive points, especially if female, but you used the pronoun "his", so not as many points

but all is moot since 20 years ago the left wasn't as organized in its idiocy as it is today

but if it happened today? after weighing all aspects, I'd say the left would march for rowan but would try to keep his nationality under wraps although he could have been a Pakistani Englishman, then there would be no doubt
[B]....killing a college professor = usually negative points unless the professor taught engineering or business or something like that.... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Especially a California university previously mentioned.

Ummmm, wait....are engineering degrees even available in The Golden State...?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Milo except for being gay is all about hatred and divisiveness, the same as Conservative republicans, that why they were going to have him speak at their meeting. They cancelled because of his remarks about child sex abusers but until that point thought his ideas were just dandy. The Republican Party LOVES racist sickos, can't have enough of them, that's why they do so well in Texas, a great recruiting area. Milo is a sick puppy but is getting rich because there is a big demand for his type in the far right of conservative politics.