Here Is The List Of Trumps Achievements So Far!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Really ?

That's all I think he's done soo far ?

God I hate American complaining about the Dood when all he's trying to do is clean the Country , fix the economy and make it Great Again

Now he may need to fire his speaker that dood Sean lol (he's annoying AF) but everything he's doing is good for the country either u like it or not
. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
At least put down he has improved his golf game and pissed of a lot of Liberals. At least he hasn't empowered any terrorists like Obama did.

StandinStraight's Avatar
Really ?

That's all I think he's done soo far ?

God I hate American complaining about the Dood when all he's trying to do is clean the Country , fix the economy and make it Great Again

Now he may need to fire his speaker that dood Sean lol (he's annoying AF) but everything he's doing is good for the country either u like it or not Originally Posted by ArabianGoddess
When I am teaching my political science students we discuss Trumps accomplishments and those things he has done to hurt America in a open forum. I can tell you that it is very difficult for anyone to discuss accomplishments because his negatives far outnumber anything positive and occur so frequently they gather all the attention. The general consensus is he is a flawed president failing miserably.
When I am teaching my political science students we discuss Trumps accomplishments....I can tell you that it is very difficult for anyone to discuss accomplishments.... Originally Posted by StandinStraight

First, you're not a teacher....that's a lie.

Secondly, even....EVEN if you were....there's no chance a student would voice a positive, popular opinion of Trump in the presence of an obvious hater such as you. No way a kid would risk getting on a teacher's "bad side" and insuring a failing grade....

Thirdly....if you're a teacher / professor....and you're consistently hitting up a website for, sir, are a fool. No wonder today's kids are leaving our institutions of higher learning with ZERO education. are a fraud. You can't spell for shit. And you're a teacher? No chance in hell.
When I am teaching my political science students we discuss Trumps accomplishments and those things he has done to hurt America in a open forum. I can tell you that it is very difficult for anyone to discuss accomplishments because his negatives far outnumber anything positive and occur so frequently they gather all the attention. The general consensus is he is a flawed president failing miserably. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Oh bullshit, any teacher that is teaching students to be critical of a sitting president's program to this extent would get fired. So if you are a teacher your pink slip is just around the corner. Plus you couldn't possibly have a whole class full of liberal students that would buy into your crap, any half way intelligent student would hand you your ass as much as we do in here, because you don't know shit.

bambino's Avatar
First, you're not a teacher....that's a lie.

Secondly, even....EVEN if you were....there's no chance a student would voice a positive, popular opinion of Trump in the presence of an obvious hater such as you. No way a kid would risk getting on a teacher's "bad side" and insuring a failing grade....

Thirdly....if you're a teacher / professor....and you're consistently hitting up a website for, sir, are a fool. No wonder today's kids are leaving our institutions of higher learning with ZERO education. are a fraud. You can't spell for shit. And you're a teacher? No chance in hell. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I would be shooting paper clips from a rubber band if SStupid was my teacher.
StandinStraight's Avatar
First, you're not a teacher....that's a lie.

Secondly, even....EVEN if you were....there's no chance a student would voice a positive, popular opinion of Trump in the presence of an obvious hater such as you. No way a kid would risk getting on a teacher's "bad side" and insuring a failing grade....

Thirdly....if you're a teacher / professor....and you're consistently hitting up a website for, sir, are a fool. No wonder today's kids are leaving our institutions of higher learning with ZERO education. are a fraud. You can't spell for shit. And you're a teacher? No chance in hell. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I'm not hitting up the website for hookers, I am here for political discussion, if you want to get ideas of what conservative degenerates are thinking about this is the perfect forum.
I'm not hitting up the website for hookers, I am here for political discussion, if you want to get ideas of what conservative degenerates are thinking about this is the perfect forum. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Is that what you are going to say to the School Administrators when you go before the board for you dismissal hearing?

  • jma9
  • 02-24-2017, 02:03 PM
Really ?

That's all I think he's done soo far ?

God I hate American complaining about the Dood when all he's trying to do is clean the Country , fix the economy and make it Great Again

Now he may need to fire his speaker that dood Sean lol (he's annoying AF) but everything he's doing is good for the country either u like it or not Originally Posted by ArabianGoddess
Liberals are not Americans; they hate our Country and the Constitution. They do everything they can to destroy democracy and then blame conservatives when things go wrong. They are weak minded uneducated children.

By the way; nice tits!
With all due respect Professor I think u mixing him up with someone else lol

what accomplishments you discuss with your students? Because the last I checked he Just got the JOB
When I am teaching my political science students we discuss Trumps accomplishments and those things he has done to hurt America in a open forum. I can tell you that it is very difficult for anyone to discuss accomplishments because his negatives far outnumber anything positive and occur so frequently they gather all the attention. The general consensus is he is a flawed president failing miserably. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I would be shooting paper clips from a rubber band if SStupid was my teacher. Originally Posted by bambino
We don't need no stinkin paper clips ! Down here we passed a campus carry law that has the lyin lib educators up in arms.
Really ?

That's all I think he's done soo far ?

God I hate American complaining about the Dood when all he's trying to do is clean the Country , fix the economy and make it Great Again

Now he may need to fire his speaker that dood Sean lol (he's annoying AF) but everything he's doing is good for the country either u like it or not Originally Posted by ArabianGoddess
Are you travelling to Texas anytime soon? If so please make it Dallas.
I'm in Dallas now and I'm enjoying this beautiful city soo far 😜
Are you travelling to Texas anytime soon? If so please make it Dallas. Originally Posted by canuckeight

By the way; nice tits! Originally Posted by jma9
Arabian Goddess yes that is one nice rack and correct me if I'm wrong they are all natural