Iowa cr ?? Seems to be an end for here.

Ok so I'm gonna go on a rant here just bare with me lol

Soon as I can I won't be providing here in Iowa at all anymore.
It's gotten so slow for me that I'm not even able to make a barely 500$ rent and that's just ridiculous.

I have allot of newbies getting a hold of me which I'm paranoid about because two gents here in cr that I've seen since coming to Iowa said a females told people that when I was banned I was in jail which wasn't true but I see that ever since then it really fucked me.
Now I am just worried about everything especially being pregnant.
I maybe i will come back some time but as for now I'm gonna get a job and go back to school and get another degree (can't have to many back up plans).

I will be making one more trip to Des Moines, and I will be providing in other states every month or two. As for here I think i will be done and changing my number.

Any one that we have unfinished business with get a hold of me and we'll start getting things resolved as when I'm done here in Iowa I will only be seeing people that I have monthly arrangements with.
Those arrangements are in my ads.

I'm very sad, it was fun here while it lasted but I'm not competing with BPs screening and donation issues. And I can't rely on the some times appts.

I love y'all. I will let you know when I find a Rw job cause I'll be done about a week after that.

Des Moines look for my last visit post, if I can get things together here I hope to be there this coming late week for 2 or so days.

Y'all are awesome, love y'all.

Hawks222's Avatar
I'm sorry. I wish I lived a little closer, I'd see you more. Let us know before your done, gonna want one last appointment.
I just sent you a message a little while ago before I saw this thread. I hope it is not so, but I wish you well and if possible I hope to meet up with you.