Good luck Trump and see how the repeal goes-
The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has been tracking views of the health law since 2009. Its poll in January indicated for the first time that more people viewed the health law as a good idea than as a bad one.
An NBC/WSJ poll asked whether Barack
Obama’s health care plan was a good or bad idea
Source: A NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey conducted Jan. 12-15 asked 1,000 adults whether Barack Obama’s health care plan was a good idea or a bad idea.
A Fox News poll showed a similar flip in views after the election. Its survey found that half of Americans now view the law favorably.
More Americans than ever approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.
The poll, conducted in mid-February, found that 54% of those surveyed approve of the health care law, versus 43% who disapproved.
Americans’ feelings about the divisive law, also called Obamacare, have zigzagged since its 2010 approval, though sentiment has typically skewed negative. But as lawmakers returned to their districts this week, they were met by protests and concerns about the ACA’s repeal.