Nail Preference For Providers?

Vannah's Avatar
I thought we could have some fun with this!

When visiting with a lady, do you take notice of her nails? What style of nails do you admire on a provider? (Long, short, colorful, neutral, squared, round, etc.)

Ladies, feel free to chime in on this also!

I always get acrylics with squared, white tips, and trimmed just above the finger tip. I've been told that they're great for back scratches!
  • Rzbck
  • 02-28-2017, 04:31 PM
The ones you describe sound perfect
DocHolyday's Avatar
I don't take notice the lady's nails until they are digging into back as she is having an O and screaming in ecstasy as I am going to pound town on her kitty.
I don't typically notice a lady's nails unless they look something like this:

Truthfully, as long as they're clean and can't be used to snatch live fish from a river, I don't really have a preference.

I did find some that seem right up your alley, though:

Right now, I'm ashamed to say I'm sporting the neglected domestic look. I've just been too busy.

But I hope to try these ombre French manicure nails the next time I go into the salon! Love the look, simple and clean. I also like the more flesh toned base versus the typical pink.
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Danielle Reid's Avatar
My nails use to look like this
I loved those! So cute!
I notice the nails for sure. Can't stand grimy lil nubs grabbing me. And I always notice toes be side nothing screams turn off like thick yellow, crusty toe nails. I have only had one provider ever say anything my toes being trimmed and cared for. Seems that it's a common thing for men to keep everything except their toes trimmed......
I assume a few on the board would prefer rusty nails in a nail gun when dealing with me.

I always like the French manicure look and not too long. Good for back scratching. Nice pedicures look nice as well. Having said that, I have no clue what my current favorite's nails look like. She keeps me way to busy to notice.
I definitely notice - both fingers and toes. It will probably come as no surprise to any ladies that have seen me that I notice the toes even before the fingers, usually. I prefer colors - particularly partial to reds - but French tips are nice too. Really anything as long as they are well kept.
I prefer the natural nail with some sort of color. This applies to toes and fingers. Color them as you desire.
Me personally, no designs and all one color, whatever that is (other than French, which can be a sophisticated looking hot on the right lady). A lady with dark natural skin or a good tan is hot looking wearing orange color. I used to think red and pink were the only other good choices, but have since seen a few ladies that rocked the darker colors. Just don't go goth black on me. Whatever else, be
well maintained. If there is one thing that turns me off more than anything, it's knarly ass feet and toes. Though I don't have anything close to a foot fetish, an attractive, well maintained, feminine foot is sexy as hell. But other than all that, I hardly notice. LOL
Vannah's Avatar
I don't typically notice a lady's nails unless they look something like this:

Truthfully, as long as they're clean and can't be used to snatch live fish from a river, I don't really have a preference.

I did find some that seem right up your alley, though:

Originally Posted by JdeHog
The first picture reminds me of that lady on My Strange Addiction that was addicted to growing out her nails. There's no telling how many fish she could catch with those talons!

But on a more serious note, those cat nails are precious!!

Right now, I'm ashamed to say I'm sporting the neglected domestic look. I've just been too busy.

But I hope to try these ombre French manicure nails the next time I go into the salon! Love the look, simple and clean. I also like the more flesh toned base versus the typical pink. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
There is absolutely no shame in that! It takes a surprising amount of time to keep them up, but those ombre nails would look amazing on you!

My nails use to look like this Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
Those are too cute!
Vannah's Avatar
A big thank you to all the gents chiming in. I think it's great when men notice the little details!
If there is one thing that turns me off more than anything, it's knarly ass feet and toes. Though I don't have anything close to a foot fetish, an attractive, well maintained, feminine foot is sexy as hell Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Well, I do have one and could not agree more.

Oh yeah, I just remembered that I'm not a big fan of white polish.