Gentlemen, when do you start the clock?

Redwolf's Avatar
Gentlemen, in general you are probably not as motivated to keep an eye on the clock as the ladies are. Although, often you do have other things pressing, like getting back to work, returning home before your wife does, or other real life activities. One way that you might use to evaluate a date or a provider is whether you were rushed out before your time was up, the agreed upon time was given, or your companion was very generous with her time.

So, for the sake of keeping track of how long the date lasted, gentlemen, when do you begin the clock?

This also is a private poll. Handle names are not listed. Please, only gentlemen respond to the poll. You are welcome to post in the thread your choice or comments about it.
LOL I think I'm seeing a HUGE potential issue. I did not vote in the poll, only checked results.
I think it really all depends. If you meet someone who likes to chat awhile to get to know each other before getting down to business. I think that time should not be counted and more time for bcd should be added, just my 2 cents.
I have gone short and long, it did not seem to make any difference to me or the provider. We were having fun and that's all I care about.
Guest032213-02's Avatar
I think you are there for business. If the provider needs time to get to know you, then that provider should not count that against your clock. The minute I walk in, I want a "Hey, can I help you with that?" and let's boogie!
I have gone short and long, it did not seem to make any difference to me or the provider. We were having fun and that's all I care about. Originally Posted by IMAPACKIN
I pretty much feel the same way, and look for a provider I "click" with and become a regular. If I feel rushed the first meeting, there won't be a second.
To me, the timer should start with the bcd activities. I am all for a few minute meet and greet and that should easily fit into the alloted time. Also, no matter when people think the clock starts, the first choice "My tardiness should be penalized" should apply to EVERY session, imho. If I schedule a time and then am late, why should the provider be expected to accomodate that? Most of the ones I see schedule a certain amount of down time between appts, and tardiness infringes upon that. I don't think that should be a separate choice.
Gryphon's Avatar
Option #1 implies that lateness is always the client's fault; in my experience it is often the other way around. I've gotten a lot of "I'm running a few minutes late" texts.
bartipero's Avatar
I think I would like to see the same poll answered soley by the ladies.

There is one. Just look down the list on threads.
Did I miss escorting 101? The lady starts the clock...not the gent.

But I can comment on each of those options:

At the scheduled time. My tardiness should be penalized.
If the guy is late and has not called in advance to let me know, time starts for when he scheduled. If he has called in advance to let me know he is running late, then I can adjust accordingly. On the flip side of that, if the gent is early, time starts upon arrival. If, on the other hand, the lady is running late, time starts when she gets there-not on schedule.

When I open the door to her Incall or she the door to my Outcall location.
Bingo! But there are exceptions...see below.

After business is taken care of.
Sometimes guys don't take the "hint" to take care of business. It's very uncomfortable for us to have to ask for it. It would not be fair to wait for time to start until the envelope is put down. In some instances, 30 minutes could have gone by before he got the "hint."

After she and/or I have showered or freshened up or changed.
She should already be showered. If for some reason she is not, obviously time would not start until she is. On the other hand, if he needs to shower, whether or not shower time is included depends on whether or not it's a duck shower. You know, duck in, wash your ass then duck out. I don't count that. But if you are in there playing shower games for 20 mins your time already started. If we are in there together, time already started. There will be play time in the shower.

After conversation.
There should always be a few minutes of "chit chat" if you will. But only a few minutes. But this is in correlation to the "duck bath." If she's one of those who just talks and talks and talks to kill time, tell her to shut up and start the clock. She's just trying to get over on you. If the guy is the motor mouth, you have chosen to talk during your time. The clock already started.

When we begin "Behind Closed Doors" activities.
If you (the gent) killed 20 mins in the shower and another 20 talking, that's not my issue. That's yours. Your time already started. It's not fair to me (the escort) that you already took 40 minutes of the session. I was ready to go. You weren't. It's not my penalty to serve.

Not that important because I don't really keep track of the time
If it's good, I don't either!

Is there an other?

Meg, I think what is understood in this thread is to get an understanding of when men see their time with a lady actually starting.

When I do a review, I typically have a mind when the time starts and when it ends. Typically it is when I open the door and business is taken care of. I never discuss time or compensation with a lady in person. When I get there, they already know how long I want and what to expect and that is handled with no chit chating at all.

However, there are times when a lady knows you're coming and she waits to get completely ready for you until you get there (one very hot provider comes to mind). They'll shower, dry themselves and get ready while you've made yourself comfortable and get to watch her walk back and forth a bit. I typically don't count that time... and most ladies do not either.

For the most part, I feel the time starts after business has been taken care of unless certain circumstances come up... she needs a get to know you time period, a shower or other grooming issues on her part etc.

But, Meg's statement reminds me of a couple of things... how many of you guys shower AFTER getting to a lady's incall? I know it does happen but, I tend to look at providers as a reward to myself... so I get ready for seeing one the same way I would a date. I shower, manscape, shave, cologne and sometimes get a manicure/pedicure... and all this happens before meeting up with the lady of choice. I mean, if you've been working all day the last thing a lady is going to want to do is to play with you smelling all musky (musky if you're lucky).
I'm not sure when the clock starts...but it stops either when the late Sportscenter is over or she's satisfied...which ever one comes first.
Redwolf's Avatar
I didn't realize that this poll would get picked up and posted on the Main Page. It is great to get extra input. It seems that the respondents mostly see the clock as starting at the time when the lady and the gentleman meet, with added numbers if we assume that business is taken care of within a minute or two. Next in popularity was the response that gentleman see the clock beginning with BCD activity. Is this view most popular with men who see the conversation as time sought only by the provider in order to be more comfortable, while they themselves are ready to get to it right away?

My hope in having a poll both for the ladies and for the gentlemen was that each could better see how the other sees it.

Myself, I see the clock beginning when we meet. If I find myself back in my car about an hour later +- a few minutes, I am satisfied. Business is as promised. If it is significantly shorter than that because she hurried me out or rushed me, I will consider her a clock-watcher. I will not return. If the time is significantly more than an hour, I will be noticeably pleased and graciously thank my paid date. Depending on the date and what I have, an extra tip may be offered.

I can remember a date or two where the lady kept wanting to converse. In the back of my mind, I was thinking first: there goes MSOG. Later, I became worried about running out of time. I made some signals towards moving things along but I wanted my date to be comfortable. On at least one occasion, I believe that she was trying to use up the clock. The other times were occasions where the ladies preferred to get to know their client and feel comfortable rather than keeping a strict accounting of the clock. If, as was the most popular choice, the initial conversation is part of the clock, then many men will likely try to move things along reasonably soon.