Paranoia Will Destroy Ya Mr President!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Malcom Nance a former American intelligence office said that Trumps wiretapping accusations are textbook paranoia of the guilty. It is what happens when you know your guilty and everything is caving in on you! Trump probably looks in his closets before bed in case OBama or someone is hiding in there listening to him. Paranoia Will Destroy Ya!
You idiot libs are paranoid
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not paranoid when Twitler and his Turd Reich rain bullshit down on the world every fucking day.

When are you knuckle draggers gonna wake the fuck up?

Please tell us what's fucking normal about the SCROTUS melting down on Twitter every other day?
Please tell us what's fucking normal about the SCROTUS melting down on Twitter every other day? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No more or less normal than Barry getting pegged by his tranny wife this morning
Excuse me, but could someone please explain to me exactly how a person can be an "intelligence office"? ..... I realize StandinInShit it's been a slow week for drumming up anti-Trump stories, but this is the best you got? ..... and do you EVER proof read ANYTHING before you post it? ..... and do you even care how ridiculously pathetic these trashy National Enquirer headlines you regurgitate every day make you look? .....
bambino's Avatar
Excuse me, but could someone please explain to me exactly how a person can be an "intelligence office"? ..... I realize StandinInShit it's been a slow week for drumming up anti-Trump stories, but this is the best you got? ..... and do you EVER proof read ANYTHING before you post it? ..... and do you even care how ridiculously pathetic these trashy National Enquirer headlines you regurgitate every day make you look? ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
He can't read, let alone proof read.
lustylad's Avatar
An example of paranoia is when a person who is ridiculed for habitually mangling his English tells other people he has a Phd.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Not paranoid when Twitler and his Turd Reich rain bullshit down on the world every fucking day.

When are you knuckle draggers gonna wake the fuck up?

Please tell us what's fucking normal about the SCROTUS melting down on Twitter every other day? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Unfortunately these dummies wont wake up. They know we're smarter and more progressive intuitive thinkers but they could care less. Why? Because out of their ignorance they're hell bent on self destruction. These morons think it is about Obaminable, Hildabeast and all that other silly shit they yap about.

They are largely uneducated hicks and will never realize the beginning of the end because they don't have a clue about how modern warfare with enemies like Putin is actually played. Trump is nothing more than Putin's useful idiot in his quest for Russia to replace the US as World Power by weakening our global alliances but more importantly our systems from within. He's already accomplished so much by putting Trump in the white house. The CIA weakened, the FBI compromised, our Military despondent after Trump has been trashing them. Our intelligence agencies weakened in the light of Trump thrashing them. The State Dept run by Tillerson has been marginalized by Trump. The media & free press under attack by Trump.

So the cumulative effect is a severely weakened America. Putin is a Master strategist of which Trump is his puppet. Trump's followers are just too slow and uneducated to grasp this conceptually. These idiots are so caught up in social and racial feelings while Putin is working quietly to Subjugate them all.

I'll be long gone into Canada by then. I'm working on contingency plans now. I hope Putin comes in and have all these Trump hicks including RM. breaking USSR bricks at FT. Leven Worth.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Swishy Chap! Does it weaken America when you libtard morons take to the streets and riot and scream "not my President" and whine about impeachment before the guy who was elected pursuant to the rules of our democratic Republic and our 228-year-old Constitution is even sworn in?

You and your ilk are the treasonous assholes who want to weaken America, Swishy Chap! Blaming it on Putin is just a way to deflect attention from your own subversive actions.

Everything you post is silly shit, you yapping fool!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ exhibit A - a prime fool to be subjugated by Putin soon.
Unfortunately these dummies wont wake up. They know we're smarter and more progressive intuitive thinkers but they could care less. Why? Because out of their ignorance they're hell bent on self destruction. These morons think it is about Obaminable, Hildabeast and all that other silly shit they yap about.

They are largely uneducated hicks and will never realize the beginning of the end because they don't have a clue about how modern warfare with enemies like Putin is actually played. Trump is nothing more than Putin's useful idiot in his quest for Russia to replace the US as World Power by weakening our global alliances but more importantly our systems from within. He's already accomplished so much by putting Trump in the white house. The CIA weakened, the FBI compromised, our Military despondent after Trump has been trashing them. Our intelligence agencies weakened in the light of Trump thrashing them. The State Dept run by Tillerson has been marginalized by Trump. The media & free press under attack by Trump.

So the cumulative effect is a severely weakened America. Putin is a Master strategist of which Trump is a puppet to. Trump's followers are just too slow and uneducated to grasp this conceptually. These idiots are so caught up in social and racial feelings while Putin is working quietly to Subjugate them all.

I'll be long gone into Canada by then. I'm working on contingency plans now. I hope Putin comes in and have all these Trump hicks including RM. breaking USSR bricks at FT. Leven Worth. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yep, you said it brainiac.

Seriously I'm from the hood and sometimes we don't always know proper etiquette Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Sometimes I even lick my fangers while fine dining. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ exhibit B - an even greater fool to serve as court jester in Putin's royal palace
Really? Putin "put Trump in the White House"? ..... I thought the voters did ..... There's not one shred of evidence that the Russians rigged the election and you know that for a fact because you can't provide any legitimate news source or website or anything written or any report on cable TV that proves it ..... and until you can, your false claims about the CIA, FBI, our military and the State Department are just fantasies ..... but rant on, you are certainly entertaining .....
^ exhibit B - an even greater fool to serve as court jester in Putin's royal palace Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I have to admit ShitforBrains has a sharp, crafty and witty mind.
Just look how he helped HRC campain.

I expect her to use in some variation my feedback on how she should respond. She should hit that out of the park if he brings it up again. So in a nut shell without getting into all the specifics of what I advised her campaign strategist I basically told them to highlight the fact that she made the sacrifice to be in public service for the past 30 yrs fighting for people while he in the last 30 yrs been exclusively working for himself and defrauding people almost every step of the way.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
And your reaction after learning HRC used your advice as you instructed her to do.

I was totally shocked last night listening to Hillary's debate performance. I was jumping up and down laughing my ass off because I can't believe her campaign manager read my email and took my advice. She followed it to a Tee and was able to successfully defend the "She's been in politics 30 yrs" line. She laid out her accomplishments almost verbatim as to what I instructed her campaign. It was a proud moment for me. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You truly are a "Legend in Your own mind".
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ but but but. You're my fart catcher. You're quoting me in your sig. (Accurately this time) following me from forum to forum, digging up 6 month old posts and generally exhibiting real monkey / chimpanzee type behavior. I'd say you're basically chimping out on me.

You are dick ryding me so smooth. All because you couldn't afford to go to the Superbowl. Hahahaha . i bet I'm pretty sure you losers think about SC in your daily life as well. Probably even when you're paying someone to blow your nipple dicks