Pre pay services

Stalion's Avatar
I just wanted to put this question on here and see what response it generated. If an established provider were to accept prepayment for services, would they consider a 15 to 30 minute addition to the hour ? This deposit can either be directly to their bank account or Pay-pal or any other way thats available. Anyone want to weigh in?
blowpop's Avatar
Prepayment is the best way to turn a great contractor (of any type) into a flake. Once they have your payment, it is tempting to focus on those whose money they still do not have.

Certainly there are some who would remain professional. But why risk it?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Pie inna sky!
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 03-31-2011, 08:55 AM
I'm sure quite a few would say yes to an option like that, but only with a narrow few could you collect. The rest will always have conflicting schedules for one reason or another.

It's best to keep the carrot dangling out in front of them on a stick so it doesn't get grabbed until you've already done your grabbing
junglemonkey's Avatar
If anyone is down to prepay a provider, then you might be interested in some beach front property I am selling in Nevada.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Sometimes, all it takes is a little money to see what someone is worth.

While it can work out ok, there is a high chance of it ending badly.

When you write the alert, put on your nomex underwear, because your ass is getting flamed.
Naomi4u's Avatar
You'll get better responses by asking the ladies if it works for them. It works for a lot of my friends. For me, never tried it.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-31-2011, 07:05 PM
Of all the kinds of bad ideas I've ever heard, that is about as bad as it can get. You didn't recently have a labotamy did you? LMMFAO
Unless your booking for an extended date and that was to help cover some cost I'm not for pre paying. Like someone else mention. Once they got your money what is to prevent them from moving on to the next sucker.
If you ever give a Provider a donation any time except emmediatly before or after you have seen Her BCD, just assume it was a gift, and expect nothing in return.

That way, you won't get all discouraged and disgruntled.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
OP the difference in giving any regular business owner some or all the money and a provider is that there is usually a contract with most contractors. If you find a provider that will sign a contract when you prepay her then go for it.

I'm not saying there aren't any that won't live up to it but it is few and far between....
LexusLover's Avatar
[quote=Eccie Addict;1173534] If you find a provider that will sign a contract when you prepay her then go for it. quote]

There are only two primary reasons why one has a WRITTEN contract:

1. In case one or the other "forgets" what the agreement was.
2. To file a suit on the agreement when one person defaults.

There is a third generally accepted reason, which might apply ...

3. One of the parties dies before completion of the agreement.

Recently, I have seen a few providers that just might kill me in the session, but for the most part I would walk away.

Given the nature of the "industry" or "profession" as one might prefer to call it, the WRITTEN contract would probably say something like ...

"The fee of $____ is a gift for my companionship and nothing in this Agreement states or implies that the fee of $____ is for any sexual activity."

In which case, file suit, and try to get a judgment because you didn't like the CBJ.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Lol... I know there would never be a contract between a client and provider. It would be absurd to even imagine seeing one.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Let me administer some advice. 1. This is not a good idea.
2. Never pay upfront. I have broken this rule but that is only and I stress only because they have an immpeccable record. For delivering as promised with little to no fear of getting shortchanged. Now a REALLY good provider won't ask up front. Or a REALLY good provider won't even touch the donation until I have vacated the premises. I could list a few of these REALLY good providers but then they might wonder why I haven't written reviews. And I have reasons why I don't review each lady I see.
ImaMrCool's Avatar
I prepaid before, it got so hard to even contact her afterwards, I just gave up.