
Did any of you get that pic from him? He should be fucking locked In a jail for sending that stuff with children. Is there anyway we can get his IP because as a parent I want that son of a bitch locked up. I saw he was banned but that's not good enough. Sending a picture of a disfigured, beaten child in a car seat is inexcusable.
Hematoma's Avatar
I got the same thing. That pic was so wrong. I'm wondering who this guy was? Maybe d4u under a different handle? That's my guess.
whoever he is should be beaten or in jail. I'm assuming most of us got it. I would love the guy's IP so I can track him down. There is no place at all for that kind of garbage
chizzy's Avatar
same here........disgusting
WOW, maybe he does not like me (maybe he does) because I did not get it and I am glad. Sorry you guys got it.
I will say this and I have been hard on the mods but kudos for them to banning the son of a bitch. I haven't been able to get the sick image out of my head and I really am going to do everything in power to get this guys IP and make sure he is locked up for handing this out. His location said something like Iraq or Baghdad but I am sure it's just something he put in. Regardless there is a special place in hell for people like him. Anyone who can have and pass out a picture of an injured child in a car seat is clearly messed up in the head and should not be let out in the general public. Mods I know you have rules but if you could even PM me this guys IP it would go a long way.
I'm glad I didn't get that picture. That would have pissed me off.

Instead I got the one with the dead woman in the washer.
He sent multiple pics like this? What a fucking nutjob. What kind of life would you have to have to own those types of pictures and distribute them to total strangers? Seriously this guy needs to be reported to police. He is not right in the head.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I wonder if once he was banned the unopened PMs disappeared...I got none
I still can't get the image out of my head. Sickening. As a parent of a young child and a coach of young children it really pisses me off to see someone capable of doing shit like this. I respect a lot of people on this site and that is the only thing that has kept me from going to the police to have that son of a bitch locked up. Any parent who saw the picture he sent would hopefully feel the same.
I'm a parent of a young child, too. The picture was pretty weird. Weird's not illegal, not here anyway. And the "beat the shit out the guy" comments are worse than the pictures. This is America, right? Not Saudi Arabia.

The guy is a sick troll, don't let it get to you.
tatasddd's Avatar
It is very likely it is that piece of a fucking shit d4u. I won't be surprised AT ALL.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
pics are from the site bestgore.
I'm a parent of a young child, too. The picture was pretty weird. Weird's not illegal, not here anyway. And the "beat the shit out the guy" comments are worse than the pictures. This is America, right? Not Saudi Arabia.

The guy is a sick troll, don't let it get to you. Originally Posted by yinz2016
Beating the shit out of someone that desperately deserves it is the American way.
DocHolyday's Avatar
The guy is a sick troll, don't let it get to you. Originally Posted by yinz2016
+1 yinz