Military!! Thanks for nothing..

When I was in college I planned on going into the military when I got out. But during college I was diagnosed with cancer and didn't think I could join. Well last year a friend told me to check, so I went and checked and they said yeah I could go due to the fact I'm cancer free and it's been more than 5 years since I was diagnosed. So I start hitting the the gym working out losing weight, I got all my medical records for them, I took the ASVAB and was all set to go. All I needed to due was lose a little more weight and take my physical and I was gone....

Well went today to talk to my recruiter and was told I am now disqualified from going because on new Army medical regs that prohibit somebody with Hypothyroidism which is an after effect of my radiation and chemo treatments from enlisting... All I got to do is take a stupid pill once a day that replaces the hormone the thyroid produces!! Yet I can't go....

In a country where we are told since birth you can do what you want when you want and become anything you can't serve your damn country because you have to take a small pill once a day for a problem that came about from a disease which I had no control over in getting or not getting!!

I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I've been busting my ass for 6 months to lose the weight so I can go only to be told now I can't because I have to take a pill once a day, a pill that I haven't taken in 2 years.... What a damn joke, are we in the USA or or have I been secretly moved to frigging Libya???
Having served honorably for 30 years - I will choose not to post my feelings with the exception of ===> you are most certainly NOT in Libya or you would not be posting your thoughts.
bamatide's Avatar
I'm going to concur with dennisrn. Its about the mission and whether you agree or not you will not be able to deploy.
oshins's Avatar

In a country where we are told since birth you can do what you want when you want and become anything Originally Posted by joeykid7675
Sorry you are frustrated (well, a little), but you come across as a whiny little puņeta.

So, you think you can "do what you want when you want and become anything", grow up. What did you score on the ASVAB? OK, so on here you'll tell me you got a 96, but you know the truth. Not everyone can be, or has the aptitude/physical requirements to be what they want. Boo hoo, move on. I wanted to be a fighter pilot. Guess what, my eyes sucked. Instead I got my Ph.D in engineering while an officer in the Navy.

No, you can't be whatever you want. I can't be an Olympic class sprinter, I can't be 21 again, I can't do a lot of things... On the other hand, there are a lot of things I can do, and I do them very well. Find yours.
Aftershock's Avatar
Is that just the Army regs or is that across the board for all the branches of the military? Maybe you can squeeze in somewhere else if your heart isnt totally set on the Army.

Its sucks yeah but it seems you gotta be 100% ready to deploy in the eyes of the military. While I was enlisted, a fellow member got some personal dental work done from a private dentist and got in serious trouble since it made them undeployable for x amount of time...and it was just dental work! lol.

Once you simmer down look at the positive side man, yes you busted your ass to lose weight but now youre healthier! I got outta the military and got really used to civilian life and now Im a food blister . Stay healthy man and maybe something cool will come your way. Oh and as for your Libya comment, you are far from it and count your blessings on that one. Have a great day
It's not a matter of deploying I can do that, I can run, I can do my sit ups and pushups... but just because I had a disease that result in a problem 15 years ago shouldn't disalow me from serving. I'm just as healthy as every one else, I don't the pill to function or do my job in fact I don't even take the pill...

The other branches are all the same tried coast guard, Navy, air force, national guard and all the reserves and still can't go....

As far as the Libya comment that's just how I feel.. it feels more and more everyday a little bit more of the american dream slips away.. now we are holding people back cuz they got sick like I could've controlled that, or that they have bad credit, or they got a criminal record.. There is no more you can recover from something, it basically brands you for life....

I scored an AFQT of 85 and 130 on the GT part of the ASVAB!!
interesting how the world turns. If we were back in the 60's, you'ld be hoping you could be medically disqualified. But today's military can be choosy on who they let in. Did you ever think that maybe they don't want to take a chance that during the heat of a battle you may have forgotten to take your pill and that could cause you to lose focus? Think of your fellow soldiers that would be placed in danger because they had to take care of you.

I served my time in the Army as an officer. Even went to specialized training for electronics stuff. Wanted to get stationed in Italy since I could speak the language and new the country (my father was stationed there when I was a kid). Instead, I got to go to Fort Hood.

Remember what Forrest Gump's mom said "life is like a box of chocolate". you never know what you will get.

Aftershock said it best. You got back in shape. Now move on and find something else that will suit you. Hell, most college grads end up working in a field totally unrelated to what they got their degree in. That's just life. You're still young. You have a wide open world of opportunity.
Quoting Oshins above "No, you can't be whatever you want. I can't be an Olympic class sprinter, I can't be 21 again, I can't do a lot of things... On the other hand, there are a lot of things I can do, and I do them very well. Find yours."

Oshins your right not everyone can be a world class sprinter but the thing is atleast you get the opportunity to try and become one!!! I would've been fine if I went to basic and they said your not going to cut it, but to have the door slammed in your face before you even get the opportunity is just wrong!!
FootLong's Avatar
Hey joey...

Congrats on beating cancer!

Congrats on trimming down and getting in shape!

Maybe you could consider joining a "private army", like Blackwater (or whatever it is called now). They are sometimes called upon to supplement or relieve government forces. They have a bad rep right now, but maybe that would improve if they get enough people who are as "driven" as you seem to be. Besides, the private armies get better pay and cooler weapons!

If you think you were given lemons, time to start looking up lemonade recipes.

Good luck.
Coolpops's Avatar
I am sorry your plans did not work out the way you wanted them to
joeykid. But that's life sometimes. Us veterans of the military can tell
you that the system doesnot make a whole lot of sense sometimes.
Perhaps things will change vis-a-vis entry into the armed forces for
someone with your condition someday. Until then, it is what it is.
Sabronco's Avatar
Trust me Joey, there are way more things out there killing the american dream. When I was a recruiter I had a kid disqualified over a hang nail. Of course he could of come back after having it fixed. The reg's are crazy on some things. And now that the military can be selective again I'm sorry to say it's to our kids best interest. Not saying you don't fit the mold.
There are a lot of things you can do to show your support. Remember there are kids coming back everyday that left a part of themselves either mentally or physically in combat. Go see how you can assist them.
22yrs in and was put on " nondeployable orders"...I fell off a plane in bishcik back in 05, and now becAuse of my back problem, I'm no good to the airforce..its part of life. Just roll with the punches..

At lease u got your health thankful and go help the troops at BAMC...
Tr0y's Avatar
  • Tr0y
  • 04-01-2011, 01:57 AM
Join the Canadian Army. They need someone with a set of balls.
Dannyphantom's Avatar
The afoqt doesnt work like that. You have different scores for different sections. They are not avaraged. For future reference, please dont every disrespect my line of work or the country i have risked my life for again. A lot of my brothers and sisters are truly in or near Lybia right now.
Like others, I too served 30 years and continue to serve in another capacity. I applaud your willingness to serve. However, having spent time in recruiting, the fault may be yours or the recruiter's. Had this information been disclosed to the medical folks early on, your effort to get healthy and lose weight could have been avoided. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do.